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EP Patent family: EP2446556 Family dossiers alerts: RSS Email

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CN201080027707 CN201080028302 CN201080030369 CN201080030552 CN201080034504 CN201080035778 EP10792345 EP10799995 JP2012517387 JP2012519480


KR20090097301 KR20090107726 KR20090108787 KR20090112874 KR20090115340 KR20090119336 KR2010004115W KR2010004154W KR2010004322W KR2010004488W KR2010005550W KR2010005554W US201013377747 US201013380787 US201213670226 US201313842451 US201414533850 US201615155922 US82408510 US83120010 US83373410 US86028710

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2011021897Global Dossier 07.07.2011A3
WO2011021897 24.02.2011A2
Priority number Date
US23569209 21.08.2009
US23765809 27.08.2009
KR20090119336 03.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2011021895Global Dossier 23.06.2011A3
WO2011021895 24.02.2011A2
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2011007984Global Dossier 31.03.2011A3
WO2011007984 20.01.2011A2
Priority number Date
US22491009 12.07.2009
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2011004985Global Dossier 31.03.2011A3
WO2011004985 13.01.2011A2
Priority number Date
KR20090097301 13.10.2009
US22336709 06.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US22779909 23.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2010151081Global Dossier 03.03.2011A3
WO2010151081 29.12.2010A2
Priority number Date
US22555609 14.07.2009
US22058609 26.06.2009
US22152409 29.06.2009
KR20090115340 26.11.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9813986Global Dossier 07.11.2017B2
US2016262099 08.09.2016A1
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US201414533850 05.11.2014
US86028710 20.08.2010
US201615155922 16.05.2016
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US201213670226 06.11.2012
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9369957Global Dossier 14.06.2016B2
US2015055536 26.02.2015A1
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US201414533850 05.11.2014
US86028710 20.08.2010
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US201213670226 06.11.2012
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8897191Global Dossier 25.11.2014B2
US2013208640 15.08.2013A1
Priority number Date
US83373410 09.07.2010
US22491009 12.07.2009
US201313842451 15.03.2013
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8908584Global Dossier 09.12.2014B2
US2013064156 14.03.2013A1
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US86028710 20.08.2010
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US201213670226 06.11.2012
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8638705Global Dossier 28.01.2014B2
US2012134331 31.05.2012A1
Priority number Date
US201013380787 20.08.2010
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
KR20090119336 03.12.2009
WO2010KR05554 20.08.2010
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8730859Global Dossier 20.05.2014B2
US2012099502 26.04.2012A1
Priority number Date
US22555609 14.07.2009
US22058609 26.06.2009
US22152409 29.06.2009
WO2010KR04154 25.06.2010
US201013377747 25.06.2010
KR20090115340 26.11.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8325640Global Dossier 04.12.2012B2
US2011044220 24.02.2011A1
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US86028710 20.08.2010
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2011019602Global Dossier 27.01.2011A1
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
KR20090107726 09.11.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US82408510 25.06.2010
US24483609 22.09.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8422416Global Dossier 16.04.2013B2
US2011007681 13.01.2011A1
Priority number Date
US83373410 09.07.2010
US22491009 12.07.2009
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8213965Global Dossier 03.07.2012B2
US2011003603 06.01.2011A1
Priority number Date
KR20090097301 13.10.2009
US83120010 06.07.2010
US22336709 06.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US22779909 23.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR20110020151Global Dossier 02.03.2011A
Priority number Date
US23569209 21.08.2009
US23765809 27.08.2009
KR20090119336 03.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR20110004244Global Dossier 13.01.2011A
Priority number Date
US22336709 06.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US22779909 23.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR20110000482Global Dossier 03.01.2011A
Priority number Date
US22555609 14.07.2009
US22058609 26.06.2009
US22152409 29.06.2009
KR20090115340 26.11.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR20110000479Global Dossier 03.01.2011A
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US24483609 22.09.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR101723411BGlobal Dossier 05.04.2017B1
KR20110020150 02.03.2011A
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
US26214209 17.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR101644150BGlobal Dossier 29.07.2016B1
KR20110005760 19.01.2011A
Priority number Date
US22491009 12.07.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP5539510BGlobal Dossier 02.07.2014B2
JP2012533207 20.12.2012A
Priority number Date
US22491009 12.07.2009
WO2010KR04488 09.07.2010
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP5721708BGlobal Dossier 20.05.2015B2
JP2012531799 10.12.2012A
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
KR20090107726 09.11.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US24483609 22.09.2009
WO2010KR04115 24.06.2010
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2454912Global Dossier 18.01.2017B1
EP2454912 21.01.2015A4
EP2454912 23.05.2012A2
Priority number Date
US22491009 12.07.2009
WO2010KR04488 09.07.2010
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102804641BGlobal Dossier 26.08.2015B
CN102804641 28.11.2012A
Priority number Date
US22555609 14.07.2009
US22058609 26.06.2009
US22152409 29.06.2009
WO2010KR04154 25.06.2010
KR20090115340 26.11.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102804640Global Dossier 28.11.2012A
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
KR20090107726 09.11.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US24483609 22.09.2009
WO2010KR04115 24.06.2010
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102484855BGlobal Dossier 29.10.2014B
CN102484855 30.05.2012A
Priority number Date
KR20090112874 20.11.2009
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
WO2010KR05550 20.08.2010
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102474847BGlobal Dossier 19.11.2014B
CN102474847 23.05.2012A
Priority number Date
KR20090097301 13.10.2009
US22336709 06.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US22779909 23.07.2009
WO2010KR04322 02.07.2010
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102474817BGlobal Dossier 17.12.2014B
CN102474817 23.05.2012A
Priority number Date
US22491009 12.07.2009
WO2010KR04488 09.07.2010
KR20090108787 11.11.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN102474746BGlobal Dossier 10.09.2014B
CN102474746 23.05.2012A
Priority number Date
US23765809 27.08.2009
US23569209 21.08.2009
KR20090119336 03.12.2009
WO2010KR05554 20.08.2010
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2446556Global Dossier 03.12.2014A4
EP2446556 02.05.2012A2
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
KR20090107726 09.11.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US24483609 22.09.2009
WO2010KR04115 24.06.2010
US24103209 10.09.2009
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2010151063Global Dossier 14.04.2011A3
WO2010151063 29.12.2010A2
Priority number Date
US22058609 26.06.2009
KR20090107726 09.11.2009
US22290709 02.07.2009
US22368109 07.07.2009
US24483609 22.09.2009
US24103209 10.09.2009