Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP2948472

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO2009103157  [Y]
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Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - SCHLOSSER A ET AL, "Microfibril-associated protein 4 binds to surfactant protein A (SP-A) and colocalizes with SP-A in the extracellular matrix of the lung", SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, BLACKWELL SCIENCE PUBL., OXFORD, GB, vol. 64, no. 2, doi:10.1111/J.1365-3083.2006.01778.X, ISSN 0300-9475, (20060801), pages 104 - 116, (20060619), XP009112813 [Y] 1-6 * page 105, column 1, paragraph 1 - page 106, column r, paragraph 3; figures 6-8 *
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3083.2006.01778.x
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - SHINYA KASAMATSU ET AL, "Essential role of microfibrillar-associated protein 4 in human cutaneous homeostasis and in its photoprotection", SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, (20111122), vol. 1, doi:10.1038/srep00164, XP055208308 [Y] 1-6 * the whole document *
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep00164
Cited inInternational search
Type:Patent literature
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Type:Patent literature
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO2010042562  [X]
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US7959923  [X]
 (YOU LIANG [US], et al);
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Publication information:[X]  - KOKUBO T. ET AL., "Integrin avb3 as a target in the prevention of neointimal hyperplasia", J VASC SURG., (2007), vol. 45, no. A, pages 33A - 38A, XP022140592
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2007.02.069
Cited inExamination
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - RUDIKOFF S ET AL, "Single amino acid substitution altering antigen-binding specificity", PROCEEDINGS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, US, (19820301), vol. 79, doi:10.1073/PNAS.79.6.1979, ISSN 0027-8424, pages 1979 - 1983, XP007901436
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.79.6.1979
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - Jefferey R Jackson, "In Vitro Antibody Maturation Improvement of a High Affinity, Neutralizing Antibody Against IL-1 beta", The journal of Immunology, (19950101), vol. 154, pages 3310 - 3319, XP055033979
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - VAJDOS F F ET AL, "Comprehensive Functional Maps of the Antigen-binding Site of an Anti-ErbB2 Antibody Obtained with Shotgun Scanning Mutagenesis", JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, ACADEMIC PRESS, UNITED KINGDOM, vol. 320, no. 2, doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(02)00264-4, ISSN 0022-2836, (20020705), pages 415 - 428, (20020705), XP027251270
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-2836(02)00264-4
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - YEE WAH WONG ET AL, "Structural Requirements for a Specificity Switch and for Maintenance of Affinity Using Mutational Analysis of a Phage-Displayed Anti-Arsonate Antibody of Fab Heavy Chain First Complementarity-Determining Region", THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNO, THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF IMMUNOLOGISTS, US, (19980101), vol. 160, ISSN 0022-1767, pages 5990 - 5997, XP007916801
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - MCKAY BROWN ET AL, "Tolerance to single, but not multiple, amino acid replacements in antibody V-H CDR2: A means of minimizing B cell wastage from somatic hypermutation?", THE JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF IMMUNOLOGISTS, US, (19960101), vol. 156, no. 9, ISSN 0022-1767, pages 3285 - 3291, XP002649029