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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1202345

EP1202345 - Semiconductor power element heat dissipation board, conductor plate therefor, heat sink material and solder material [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application has been withdrawn
Status updated on  30.04.2004
Database last updated on 22.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip30.04.2004Withdrawal of applicationpublished on 16.06.2004  [2004/25]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Hitachi, Ltd.
6 Kanda Surugadai 4-chome
Tokyo 100-8010 / JP
For all designated states
Hitachi Cable, Ltd.
Otemachi Building, 6-1 Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8166 / JP
Former [2002/18]For all designated states
Hitachi, Ltd.
6 Kanda Surugadai 4-chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8010 / JP
For all designated states
Hitachi Cable, Ltd.
Otemachi Building, 6-1 Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8166 / JP
Inventor(s)01 / Suzuki, Seikou
3705, Kanai-cho
Hitachiota-shi, Ibaraki 313-0016 / JP
02 / Kondo, Yasuo
16-3, Taisei-cho
Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki 312-0055 / JP
03 / Abe, Teruyoshi
19-2-401, Ishinazaka-cho 1-chome
Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki 319-1225 / JP
04 / Watanabe, Noriyuki
3079-6, Sawa
Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki 312-0001 / JP
05 / Suzumura, Takashi, Matsushiro Residence
1 301, 3-18-2, Matsushiro
Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0035 / JP
06 / Nakagawa, Kazuhiko
1233, Obatake, Niihari-mura
Niihari-gun, Ibaraki 300-4111 / JP
Representative(s)Strehl Schübel-Hopf & Partner
Maximilianstrasse 54
80538 München / DE
Application number, filing date01125817.529.10.2001
Priority number, dateJP2000033234731.10.2000         Original published format: JP 2000332347
JP2001003334209.02.2001         Original published format: JP 2001033342
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
H01L24/32 (EP,US); H01L23/3735 (EP,US); H01L24/29 (EP,US);
H01L2224/2612 (EP); H01L2224/29111 (EP,US); H01L2224/29298 (EP,US);
H01L2224/83101 (EP,US); H01L2924/00011 (EP,US); H01L2924/00013 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01003 (EP,US); H01L2924/01004 (EP,US); H01L2924/01005 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01006 (EP,US); H01L2924/01012 (EP,US); H01L2924/01013 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01024 (EP,US); H01L2924/01029 (EP,US); H01L2924/0103 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01032 (EP,US); H01L2924/01033 (EP,US); H01L2924/0105 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01074 (EP,US); H01L2924/01078 (EP,US); H01L2924/0132 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01322 (EP,US); H01L2924/01327 (EP,US); H01L2924/0133 (EP,US);
H01L2924/1517 (EP,US); H01L2924/15747 (EP,US); H01L2924/15787 (EP,US);
H01L2924/351 (EP,US); H05K1/0306 (EP,US); H05K3/0058 (EP,US);
H05K3/38 (EP,US) (-)
H01L2924/00011, H01L2224/29298 (EP,US);
H01L2924/00013, H01L2224/29099 (EP,US);
H01L2924/00013, H01L2224/29199 (US,EP);
H01L2924/00013, H01L2224/2929 (US,EP);
H01L2924/00013, H01L2224/29299 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01003, H01L2924/01013 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01012, H01L2924/01013 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/01014 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/0103 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/01031 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/01032 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0132, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/0105 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0133, H01L2924/01012, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/01014 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0133, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/01014, H01L2924/01032 (US,EP);
H01L2924/0133, H01L2924/01013, H01L2924/0103, H01L2924/0105 (EP,US);
H01L2924/15787, H01L2924/00 (EP,US);
H01L2924/351, H01L2924/00 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesAT,   BE,   CH,   CY,   DE,   DK,   ES,   FI,   FR,   GB,   GR,   IE,   IT,   LI,   LU,   MC,   NL,   PT,   SE,   TR [2002/18]
Extension statesALNot yet paid
LTNot yet paid
LVNot yet paid
MKNot yet paid
RONot yet paid
SINot yet paid
TitleGerman:Leistungshalbleiterelement-Wärmeleitplatte, Leitplatte dafür, Kühlkörpermaterial und Lotmaterial[2002/18]
English:Semiconductor power element heat dissipation board, conductor plate therefor, heat sink material and solder material[2002/18]
French:Plaque de dissipation de chaleur pour dispositif semi-conducteur à haute puissance, plaque conductrice pour le meme, matériau pour dissipateur de chaleur et matériau de soudure[2002/18]
Examination procedure15.04.2004Application withdrawn by applicant  [2004/25]
Fees paidRenewal fee
27.10.2003Renewal fee patent year 03
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