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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1367083

EP1367083 - Optical films prepared by coating methods [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  13.12.2013
Database last updated on 22.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip13.12.2013Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 15.01.2014  [2014/03]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Eastman Kodak Company
343 State Street
Rochester, NY 14650-2201 / US
Former [2008/38]For all designated states
Eastman Kodak Company
343 State Street
Rochester NY 14650-2201 / US
Former [2003/49]For all designated states
343 State Street
Rochester, New York 14650 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Bermel, Marcus S.
Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street
Rochester, New York 14650-2201 / US
Representative(s)Weber, Etienne Nicolas, et al
Boite n 2
Zone d'activité SAONEOR
12 rue Alfred Kastler
71530 Fragnes / FR
Former [2009/09]Weber, Etienne Nicolas, et al
Kodak Etablissement de Chalon Campus Industriel - Département Brevets Route de Demigny - Z.I. Nord - B.P. 21
71102 Chalon sur Saône Cedex / FR
Former [2003/49]Haile, Helen Cynthia, et al
Kodak Limited Patent, W92-3A, Headstone Drive
Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4TY / GB
Application number, filing date03076360.108.05.2003
Priority number, dateUS2002038193120.05.2002         Original published format: US 381931
US2002019016903.07.2002         Original published format: US 190169
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP28.10.2004
ClassificationIPC:C08J5/18, B29L11/00, B29C41/12, B29D7/01, G02B5/30, B32B27/36, B29C47/06
B32B27/30 (EP,US); B29C41/24 (KR); B29C41/12 (EP,US);
B29C41/26 (EP,US); B29C41/32 (EP,US); B29C48/0014 (EP,US);
B29C48/08 (EP,US); B29C48/21 (EP,US); B29D7/01 (EP,US);
C08J5/18 (EP,US); G02B5/3083 (EP,US); B29C48/154 (EP,US);
B29C48/304 (EP,US); B29C48/35 (EP,US); B29K2001/00 (EP,US);
B29K2001/12 (EP,US); B29K2027/00 (EP,US); B29K2029/00 (EP,US);
B29K2033/08 (EP,US); B29K2033/12 (EP,US); B29K2067/00 (EP,US);
B29K2069/00 (EP,US); B29K2081/06 (EP,US); B29K2705/02 (EP,US);
B29K2995/0026 (EP,US); B29L2009/00 (EP,US); B29L2011/00 (EP,US);
B32B2037/243 (EP,US); B32B2307/40 (EP,US); B32B2307/734 (EP,US);
C08J2329/04 (EP,US); C09K2323/031 (EP,US) (-)
Former IPC [2003/49]C08J5/18, B29C47/06, // B32B27/00
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2005/36]
Former [2003/49]AT,  BE,  BG,  CH,  CY,  CZ,  DE,  DK,  EE,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  HU,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  RO,  SE,  SI,  SK,  TR 
TitleGerman:Aus Beschichtungsverfahren hergestellte optische Folien[2003/49]
English:Optical films prepared by coating methods[2003/49]
French:Films optiques préparés à partir des méthodes de revêtement[2003/49]
Examination procedure22.04.2005Examination requested  [2005/25]
29.06.2005Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
22.12.2005Reply to a communication from the examining division
12.06.2007Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
03.12.2007Reply to a communication from the examining division
19.03.2013Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
30.07.2013Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2014/03]
04.09.2013Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time  [2014/03]
Divisional application(s)The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued is  29.06.2005
Fees paidRenewal fee
13.05.2005Renewal fee patent year 03
27.03.2006Renewal fee patent year 04
07.05.2007Renewal fee patent year 05
18.03.2008Renewal fee patent year 06
07.05.2009Renewal fee patent year 07
31.03.2010Renewal fee patent year 08
10.05.2011Renewal fee patent year 09
19.03.2012Renewal fee patent year 10
Penalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
31.05.201311   M06   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:Search[X]JPS62229205  ;
 [X]JPH11254594  ;
 [A]JPH115851  ;
 [A]JPH03252625  ;
 [X]EP0481273  (BAYER AG [DE]) [X] 1-7 * claims 1,2,9 * * page 3, line 42 *;
 [X]EP0531569  (AGFA GEVAERT AG [DE]) [X] 1-7 * claims 1,8 * * page 5, line 39 - line 46 *;
 [X]EP0531568  (BAYER AG [DE]) [X] 1-7 * claims 1,9 * * page 3, column 3, line 45 - column 4, line 11 *;
 [DX]US5695694  (IWATA KAORU [JP], et al) [DX] 8,9 * claim 1; table 2 *;
 [X]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19880329), vol. 0120, no. 95, Database accession no. (P - 681), & JP62229205 A 19871008 (MITSUBISHI RAYON CO LTD) [X] 1 * abstract *
 [X]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19991222), vol. 1999, no. 14, & JP11254594 A 19990921 (FUJI PHOTO FILM CO LTD) [X] 1 * abstract *
 [A]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19990430), vol. 1999, no. 04, & JP11005851 A 19990112 (FUJI PHOTO FILM CO LTD) [A] 1,8,9 * abstract *
 [A]  - DATABASE WPI, 0, Derwent World Patents Index, vol. 1991, no. 51, Database accession no. 1991-374148, XP002300874 & JPH03252625 A 19911111 (TEIJIN LTD) [A] 8 * abstract *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.