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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1455516

EP1455516 - Intelligent video information management system [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  03.08.2012
Database last updated on 15.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip03.08.2012Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 05.09.2012  [2012/36]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Sensormatic Electronics, LLC
One Town Center Road
Boca Raton, FL 33486 / US
Former [2004/37]For all designated states
Sensormatic Electronics Corporation
6600 Congress Avenue
Boca Raton, Florida 33487 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Nunally, Patrick O.
2227 Villa Verde Road
San Diego CA 92029 / US
02 / MacCormack, David Ross
3344 31st Street
San Diego CA 92104 / US
03 / Wilson, Charles Park
9807 Highdale Road
Santee CA 92071 / US
04 / Winter, Gerhard Josef
7408 Park Village Road
San Diego CA 92129 / US
05 / Klein, Harry Eric
9627 Babauta Road
San Diego CA 92129-4933 / US
06 / Nguyen, Lyn
7422 Mason Heights Lane
San Diego CA 92126 / US
Former [2004/46]01 / Nunally, Patrick O.
2989 Racetrack View
Delmar CA 92014 / US
02 / MacCormack, David Ross
3344 31st Street
San Diego CA 92104 / US
03 / Wilson, Charles Park
9807 Highdale Road
Santee CA 92071 / US
04 / Winter, Gerhard Josef
7408 Park Village Road
San Diego CA 92129 / US
05 / Klein, Harry Eric
9627 Babauta Road
San Diego CA 92129-4933 / US
06 / Nguyen, Lyn
7422 Mason Heights Lane
San Diego CA 92126 / US
Representative(s)Hafner, Dieter, et al
Hafner & Partner
Schleiermacherstrasse 25
90491 Nürnberg / DE
Former [2010/16]Hafner, Dieter, et al
Hafner & Partner Patent-/Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Schleiermacherstrasse 25
90491 Nürnberg / DE
Former [2008/34]Hafner, Dieter, et al
Patentanwaltskanzlei Dr. D. Hafner Schleiermacherstrasse 25
90491 Nürnberg / DE
Former [2005/27]Hafner, Dieter, Dr., et al
Hafner & Partner GbR Patent-/Rechtsanwälte Schleiermacherstrasse 25
90491 Nürnberg / DE
Former [2004/37]Hafner, Dieter, Dr. Dipl.-Phys.
Hafner & Stippl, Patentanwälte, Schleiermacherstrasse 25
90491 Nürnberg / DE
Application number, filing date04004122.001.10.1997
Priority number, dateUS1996074201731.10.1996         Original published format: US 742017
US1996074171531.10.1996         Original published format: US 741715
US1996074062831.10.1996         Original published format: US 740628
US1996074198231.10.1996         Original published format: US 741982
US1996074191431.10.1996         Original published format: US 741914
US1996074198331.10.1996         Original published format: US 741983
US1996072962031.10.1996         Original published format: US 729620
US1996074065131.10.1996         Original published format: US 740651
US1996074201531.10.1996         Original published format: US 742015
US1996074165031.10.1996         Original published format: US 741650
US1996074062731.10.1996         Original published format: US 740627
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP08.02.2006
ClassificationIPC:H04N7/16, H04N7/26, H04N7/36, H04N7/46, H04N7/30, H04N7/52, H04N5/76, G06F17/30
G08B13/1968 (EP); G06F16/40 (EP); G06F16/783 (EP);
G06T7/20 (EP); G08B13/19604 (EP); G08B13/19634 (EP);
G08B13/19645 (EP); G08B13/19667 (EP); G08B13/19671 (EP);
G08B13/19673 (EP); G08B13/19682 (EP); H04N19/103 (EP);
H04N19/107 (EP); H04N19/12 (EP); H04N19/136 (EP);
H04N19/162 (EP); H04N19/172 (EP); H04N19/42 (EP);
H04N19/423 (EP); H04N19/46 (EP); H04N19/59 (EP);
H04N19/60 (EP); H04N5/76 (EP); H04N7/181 (EP);
H04N5/445 (EP); H04N5/781 (EP); H04N5/782 (EP);
H04N5/783 (EP); H04N9/8042 (EP); H04N9/8205 (EP);
H04N9/8227 (EP) (-)
Former IPC [2004/37]H04N1/00, G08B13/196, G08B13/194
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2006/48]
Former [2004/37]DE,  FR,  GB,  SE 
TitleGerman:Intelligentes Videoingormationsüberwachungssystem[2004/37]
English:Intelligent video information management system[2004/37]
French:Système intelligent pour gérer des informations vidéo[2004/37]
Examination procedure23.03.2004Examination requested  [2004/37]
28.10.2011Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
11.04.2012Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2012/36]
17.04.2012Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time  [2012/36]
Parent application(s)   TooltipEP97910786.9  / EP1010315
Divisional application(s)The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued (EP19970910786) is  06.02.2007
Fees paidRenewal fee
23.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 03
23.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 04
23.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 05
23.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 06
23.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 07
25.10.2004Renewal fee patent year 08
27.10.2005Renewal fee patent year 09
27.10.2006Renewal fee patent year 10
29.10.2007Renewal fee patent year 11
27.10.2008Renewal fee patent year 12
26.10.2009Renewal fee patent year 13
25.10.2010Renewal fee patent year 14
25.10.2011Renewal fee patent year 15
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