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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1484815

EP1484815 - Radio-frequency circuit module [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  03.08.2007
Database last updated on 22.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip03.08.2007Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 05.09.2007  [2007/36]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8310 / JP
Former [2004/50]For all designated states
2-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8310 / JP
Inventor(s)01 / Kawano, Hazime Mitsubishi Denki Kabushiki Kaisha
2-3, Marunouchi 2-chome
Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100 / JP
Representative(s)Pfenning, Meinig & Partner mbB
Patent- und Rechtsanwälte
Theresienhöhe 11a
80339 München / DE
Former [2004/50]Pfenning, Meinig & Partner
Mozartstrasse 17
80336 München / DE
Application number, filing date04021529.527.06.2000
Priority number, dateJP1999018325029.06.1999         Original published format: JP 18325099
JP2000007294315.03.2000         Original published format: JP 2000072943
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP08.10.2004
H01L25/165 (EP,US); H01L23/66 (EP,US); H01P1/047 (EP,US);
H01L2223/6622 (EP,US); H01L2223/6627 (EP,US); H01L2223/6677 (EP,US);
H01L2224/05554 (EP,US); H01L2224/05599 (EP,US); H01L2224/16 (EP,US);
H01L2224/48091 (EP,US); H01L2224/48137 (EP,US); H01L2224/48227 (EP,US);
H01L2224/4823 (EP,US); H01L2224/49175 (EP,US); H01L2224/85399 (EP,US);
H01L24/48 (EP,US); H01L24/49 (EP,US); H01L2924/00014 (EP,US);
H01L2924/01079 (EP,US); H01L2924/10161 (EP,US); H01L2924/1306 (EP,US);
H01L2924/14 (EP,US); H01L2924/1423 (EP,US); H01L2924/15153 (EP,US);
H01L2924/1517 (EP,US); H01L2924/15192 (EP,US); H01L2924/15312 (EP,US);
H01L2924/1532 (EP,US); H01L2924/16195 (EP,US); H01L2924/1903 (EP,US);
H01L2924/19041 (EP,US); H01L2924/3011 (EP,US) (-)
H01L2224/05599, H01L2924/00014 (EP,US);
H01L2224/48091, H01L2924/00014 (US,EP);
H01L2224/49175, H01L2224/48137, H01L2924/00 (US,EP);
H01L2224/49175, H01L2224/48227, H01L2924/00 (US,EP);
H01L2224/85399, H01L2924/00014 (EP,US);
H01L2924/00014, H01L2224/45015, H01L2924/207 (EP,US);
H01L2924/00014, H01L2224/45099 (EP,US);
H01L2924/1306, H01L2924/00 (US,EP);
H01L2924/14, H01L2924/00 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2004/50]
TitleGerman:Modul mit einer Hochfrequenzschaltung[2004/50]
English:Radio-frequency circuit module[2004/50]
French:Module comportant un circuit à hautes fréquences[2004/50]
Examination procedure13.12.2004Examination requested  [2005/06]
03.11.2006Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
14.03.2007Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2007/36]
19.04.2007Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time  [2007/36]
Parent application(s)   TooltipEP00113569.8  / EP1069639
Fees paidRenewal fee
10.09.2004Renewal fee patent year 03
10.09.2004Renewal fee patent year 04
10.09.2004Renewal fee patent year 05
29.06.2005Renewal fee patent year 06
26.06.2006Renewal fee patent year 07
Penalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
30.06.200708   M06   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:Search[A]JPH07221211  ;
 [A]JPH10209720  ;
 [A]US5309122  (COX BRIAN J [US], et al) [A] 7-10 * column 3, line 66 - column 4, line 48; figure 2A *;
 [A]EP0795907  (DASSAULT ELECTRONIQUE [FR]) [A] 1 * column 6, line 17 - column 7, line 35 * * column 8, line 44 - column 9, line 27; figures 4,5 *;
 [Y]EP0800210  (ALCATEL ESPACE [FR]) [Y] 1,2,4,5,19-23 * column W *;
 [A]WO9819339  (SARNOFF CORP [US], et al) [A] 1 * page 7, line 3 - page 8, line 24; figure 3 *;
 [A]US5757074  (MATLOUBIAN MEHRAN [US], et al) [A] 11-18* column 6, line 24 - column 7, line 25; figures 10-13 *;
 [Y]US5874321  (TEMPLETON JR THOMAS H [US], et al) [Y] 1,2,4,5,19-23 * column W *
 [A]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19951226), vol. 1995, no. 11, & JP07221211 A 19950818 (SUMITOMO ELECTRIC IND LTD) [A] 1 * abstract *
 [A]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19981130), vol. 1998, no. 13, & JP10209720 A 19980807 (HITACHI LTD) [A] 3,6 * abstract *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.