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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1619564

EP1619564 - Method and apparatus for toner image fixing using a sheet-shaped pressing member having a mounting [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  18.09.2009
Database last updated on 09.12.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip18.09.2009Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 21.10.2009  [2009/43]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Ricoh Company, Ltd.
3-6, Nakamagome 1-chome Ohta-ku
Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
Former [2006/04]For all designated states
Ricoh Company, Ltd.
3-6, Nakamagome 1-chome, Ohta-ku
Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
Inventor(s)01 / Kamijo, Masahiko
Ricoh Company, Ltd. 3-6-1, Nakamagome
Ohta-ku Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
02 / Fujiwara, Hidehiko
Ricoh Company, Ltd. 3-6-1, Nakamagome
Ohta-ku Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
03 / Takenaka, Hidehiko
Ricoh Company, Ltd. 3-6-1, Nakamagome
Ohta-ku Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
04 / Kiuchi, Osamu
Ricoh Company, Ltd. 3-6-1, Nakamagome
Ohta-ku Tokyo 143-8555 / JP
Representative(s)Leeming, John Gerard
J A Kemp
14 South Square
Gray's Inn
London WC1R 5JJ / GB
Former [2006/04]Leeming, John Gerard
J.A. Kemp & Co., 14 South Square, Gray's Inn
London WC1R 5JJ / GB
Application number, filing date05023021.827.06.2001
Priority number, dateJP2000019954330.06.2000         Original published format: JP 2000199543
JP2000019955030.06.2000         Original published format: JP 2000199550
JP2000019974530.06.2000         Original published format: JP 2000199745
JP2001016035229.05.2001         Original published format: JP 2001160352
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP29.09.2008
G03G15/206 (EP,KR,US); G03G15/2064 (KR); H04N1/00567 (EP,US);
G03G15/2028 (EP,KR,US); G03G2215/20 (EP,US); G03G2215/2035 (KR)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2009/28]
Former [2006/04]AT,  BE,  CH,  CY,  DE,  DK,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE,  TR 
TitleGerman:Verfahren und Gerät zum Fixieren eines Entwicklerbildes mit Hilfe eines blattförmigen Druckelementes und dessen Montagevorrichtung[2006/04]
English:Method and apparatus for toner image fixing using a sheet-shaped pressing member having a mounting[2006/04]
French:Procédé et appareil de fixage utilisant un élément de pression en forme de feuille et son montage[2006/04]
Examination procedure21.10.2005Examination requested  [2006/04]
30.04.2009Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2009/43]
08.06.2009Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time  [2009/43]
08.06.2009Despatch of communication of loss of particular rights: designated state(s) AT, BE, CH, CY, DK, ES, FI, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR
Parent application(s)   TooltipEP01305557.9  / EP1176794
Fees paidRenewal fee
21.10.2005Renewal fee patent year 03
21.10.2005Renewal fee patent year 04
21.10.2005Renewal fee patent year 05
27.03.2006Renewal fee patent year 06
14.06.2007Renewal fee patent year 07
28.03.2008Renewal fee patent year 08
16.06.2009Renewal fee patent year 09
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Documents cited:Search[X]JPS60238879  ;
 [A]JPH02291579  (NEC NIIGATA LTD) [A] 10,28* abstract *;
 [A]JPH04131885  (RICOH KK) [A] 9,27 * abstract *;
 [A]EP0783141  (SHARP KK [JP]) [A] 5,23 * page 2, lines 29-44; figures 5,6 * * page 5, lines 13-56; table 1 *;
 [XYA]US5655202  (YOSHIMURA YOSHIO [JP], et al) [X] 1,2,7-20,25-31 * abstract * * column 3, lines 20-40,63 - column 4, line 26 * * figures 3A-D,4 * [Y] 3,4,6,21,22,24 [A] 5,23;
 [Y]EP0833223  (SHARP KK [JP]) [Y] 3,4,6,21,22,24 * page 6, lines 12-25,34-40; figure 4; claim 1 *
 [X]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19860422), vol. 010, no. 106, Database accession no. (P - 449), & JP60238879 A 19851127 (MATSUSHITA DENKI SANGYO KK) [X] 1,14-16,19 * abstract * * figures 2,3,6 *
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