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CN201680031894 EP16714172 US201514678071 US2016023712W

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN107666887BGlobal Dossier 03.01.2020B
CN107666887 06.02.2018A
Priority number Date
US201514678071 03.04.2015
WO2016US23712 23.03.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3283016Global Dossier 29.05.2019B1
EP3283016 21.02.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201514678071 03.04.2015
WO2016US23712 23.03.2016
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2016160444Global Dossier 06.10.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201514678071 03.04.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US9597191Global Dossier 21.03.2017B2
US2016287400 06.10.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201514678071 03.04.2015