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CA2767576 EP10797879 EP17194444 US2010041433W US201414244455 US201615206955 US201615346541 US201815993431 US96742310

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9526704Global Dossier 27.12.2016B2
US2016317447 03.11.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201615206955 11.07.2016
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US96742310 14.12.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US201414244455 03.04.2014
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9433625Global Dossier 06.09.2016B2
US2014308349 16.10.2014A1
Priority number Date
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US96742310 14.12.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US201414244455 03.04.2014
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8728522Global Dossier 20.05.2014B2
US2011262539 27.10.2011A1
Priority number Date
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US96742310 14.12.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10532030Global Dossier 14.01.2020B2
US2018333360 22.11.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201615206955 11.07.2016
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US96742310 14.12.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US201414244455 03.04.2014
US22442409 09.07.2009
US201815993431 30.05.2018
US201615346541 08.11.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10016368Global Dossier 10.07.2018B2
US2017049704 23.02.2017A1
Priority number Date
US201615206955 11.07.2016
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US96742310 14.12.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US201414244455 03.04.2014
US22442409 09.07.2009
US201615346541 08.11.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2451274Global Dossier 04.10.2017B1
EP2451274 02.04.2014A4
EP2451274 16.05.2012A1
Priority number Date
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CA2767576Global Dossier 10.03.2020C
CA2767576 13.01.2011A1
Priority number Date
WO2010US41433 08.07.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3311667Global Dossier 25.04.2018A1
Priority number Date
EP10797879 08.07.2010
US22399909 08.07.2009
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2011006012Global Dossier 13.01.2011A1
Priority number Date
US22399909 08.07.2009
US22442409 09.07.2009
TypeType Earlier application