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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0014829

EP0014829 - Method and means for dehydrating sugar beet chips after their extraction [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application has been refused
Status updated on  11.05.1984
Database last updated on 10.12.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip07.07.2007Change - inventorpublished on 08.08.2007  [2007/32]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
SELWIG & LANGE Maschinenfabrik
Sophienstrasse 40
D-3300 Braunschweig / DE
Inventor(s)01 / Lange, Heinz
Wilhelmitorwall 31
D-3300 Braunschweig / DE
02 / Matusch, Siegfried
Heinrich-Mack-Strasse 1
D-3300 Braunschweig / DE
03 / Liemann, Max
Wilmerdingstrasse 9
D-3300 Braunschweig / DE
Representative(s)Gramm, Werner, et al
GRAMM, LINS & PARTNER Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 1
38122 Braunschweig / DE
Former [1980/18]Gramm, Werner, Prof., Dipl.-Ing., et al
Patentanwälte Gramm + Lins Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 1
D-38122 Braunschweig / DE
Application number, filing date80100118.111.01.1980
Priority number, dateDE1979290623117.02.1979         Original published format: DE 2906231
Filing languageDE
Procedural languageDE
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP10.03.1981
C13B20/00 (EP); B30B9/16 (EP)
Designated contracting statesBE,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL [1980/18]
TitleGerman:Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Entwässern extrahierter Zuckerrübenschnitzel[1980/18]
English:Method and means for dehydrating sugar beet chips after their extraction[1980/18]
French:Procédé et dispositif de déshydratation de cossettes de betteraves à sucre après leur extraction[1980/18]
File destroyed:14.07.1990
Examination procedure27.08.1981Examination requested  [1981/44]
28.05.1982Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
03.09.1982Reply to a communication from the examining division
06.12.1982Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
18.01.1983Reply to a communication from the examining division
22.06.1983Despatch of communication of intention to grant (Approval: )
12.09.1983Communication of intention to grant the patent
27.01.1984Despatch of communication that the application is refused, reason: formalities examination [1984/28]
07.02.1984Application refused, date of legal effect [1984/28]
Fees paidRenewal fee
06.02.1982Renewal fee patent year 03
22.12.1982Renewal fee patent year 04
Penalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
01.02.198203   M06   Fee paid on   06.02.1982
31.01.198405   M06   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:SearchDE99692  [ ];
 FR2380740  [ ];
 US1372891  [ ];
 CH519985  [ ];
 DE940109  [ ];
 US2733051  [ ];
 NL266526  [ ]
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.