Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP0108128

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0077670  
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0083777  
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0095350  
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0098118  
Cited inInternational search
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4140662  
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4225784  
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4293652  
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0046039  
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4342832  
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Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4366246  
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - EDGE et al, Nature, Volume 292, 20 August 1981, pages 756-762.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - GRANTHAM et al, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 8, 1980, pages 1893-1912.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[X]  - GOEDDEL et al, Nature, Volume 290, 05 March 1981, pages 20-26.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[YPL]  - FIERS et al, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, Volume 98, 1983, Abstract Number 1180u, Philas. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. B, 1982, Volume 299, Number 1094, pages 29-38.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - WEENING et al, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 104, 15 January 1982, pages 6-13.
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Publication information:[YP]  - GRAY et al, Nature, Volume 298, 26 August 1982, pages 859-863.
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Publication information:[YP]  - DEVOS et al, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 10, 1982, pages 2487-2501.
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Publication information:[Y]  - TANIGUCHI et al, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Volume 78, 1981, pages 3469-3472 .
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Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[XPL]  - GOEDDEL et al, Nature, Volume 290, 05 March 1981, pages 20-26.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[YPL]  - TANAKA et al, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, Volume 98, 1983, Abstract Number 84343Y, Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser., 1982, Volume 11, pages 29-32.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[YPL]  - TANAKA et al, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, Volume 98, 1983: Abstract Number 84343Y, Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser., 1982, Volume 11, pages 29-32.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   [ ] - SIMONSEN et al, CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, Volume 98, 1983, Abstract Number 1188C, UCLA Symp. Mol. Cell. Biol., 1982, 25 (Interferons), pages 1-14.
Cited inExamination
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - Nucleic acids research, Symposium series, n°11, November 24, 1982, pages 29-32, IRL Press Ltd, Oxford, GB. S. Tanaka et al "Expression in Escherichia coli of chemically synthesized gene for a human immune interferon"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - The biology of the interferon system, Proceedings 2nd Int, TNO Meeting, 18-22 April, 1983, pages 119-127, Elsevier Science Publ. B.V. K. Alton et al "Production, characterization and biological effects of recombinant DNA derived human IFN-alpha and IFN-gamma analogs.
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - Nucleic acids research, vol. 11, n° 6, March 25, 1983, pages 1707-1723, IRL Press Ltd, Oxford, GB. S. Tanaka et al "Expression in Escherichia coli of chemically synthesized gene for the human immune interferon"