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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0393541

EP0393541 - Clustering and association processor [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application has been withdrawn
Status updated on  14.07.1992
Database last updated on 09.12.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip14.07.1992Withdrawal of applicationpublished on 02.09.1992 [1992/36]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Hughes Aircraft Company
7200 Hughes Terrace P.O. Box 45066
Los Angeles, California 90045-0066 / US
Former [1992/27]For all designated states
Hughes Aircraft Company
7200 Hughes Terrace P.O. Box 45066
Los Angeles, California 90045-0066 / US
Former [1990/43]For all designated states
P.O. Box 80028
Los Angeles, CA 90080-0028 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Castelaz, Patrick F.
5050 Via Donaldo
Yorba Linda, California 92686 / US
Representative(s)Witte, Alexander
Witte, Weller, Gahlert & Otten Patentanwälte Augustenstrasse 14
W-7000 Stuttgart 1 / DE
Former [1992/14]Witte, Alexander, Dr.-Ing.
Witte, Weller, Gahlert & Otten Patentanwälte Augustenstrasse 14
W-7000 Stuttgart 1 / DE
Former [1990/43]Witte, Alexander, Dr.-Ing.
Augustenstrasse 7
D-7000 Stuttgart 1 / DE
Application number, filing date90107127.413.04.1990
Priority number, dateUS1989034034319.04.1989         Original published format: US 340343
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP21.04.1992
G06N3/02 (EP,US); G06F18/23211 (EP,US); G06T7/20 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   ES,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL,   SE [1990/43]
TitleGerman:Gruppenbildungs- und Assoziationsprozessor[1990/43]
English:Clustering and association processor[1990/43]
French:Processeur de construction de groupes et d'association[1990/43]
File destroyed:21.02.2000
Examination procedure07.05.1990Examination requested  [1990/43]
08.07.1992Application withdrawn by applicant  [1992/36]
Fees paidPenalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
04.05.199203   M06   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:Search[X]  - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1983 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING 23 August 1983COLUMBUS,OHIO,USA pages 95 - 105; HOSHINO: 'Highly parallel processor array "PAX" for wide scientific applications'
 [A]  - ASTRONOMY September 1987pages 63 - 67; WOODS: 'Simulating clusters on your computer'
 [A]  - ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS vol. 36, no. 3, December 1974pages 415 - 427; HAGGERTY: 'Numerical experiments on cosmological clustering'
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.