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EP9804913W EP98943858

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP1001874Global Dossier 24.05.2000A1
Priority number Date
EP9804913 06.08.1998
US6242397 15.10.1997
DE19734056 06.08.1997
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CA2299255 18.02.1999A1
Priority number Date
EP9804913 06.08.1998
US6242397 15.10.1997
DE19734056 06.08.1997
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US6634405 21.10.2003B2
US2001030012 18.10.2001A1
Priority number Date
US88382601 18.06.2001
US49850300 04.02.2000
EP9804913 06.08.1998
DE19734056 06.08.1997
US6242397 15.10.1997
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US6425968 30.07.2002B1
Priority number Date
US49850300 04.02.2000
EP9804913 06.08.1998
DE19734056 06.08.1997
US6242397 15.10.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO9907542Global Dossier 18.02.1999A1
Priority number Date
US6242397 15.10.1997
DE19734056 06.08.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
DE19835660 04.03.1999A1
Priority number Date
US6242397 15.10.1997
DE19734056 06.08.1997