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AU1296499 EP98956440 JP2000518561 US201113117942 US43585009 US65157803 US9823218W

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8367139Global Dossier 05.02.2013B2
US2011293788 01.12.2011A1
Priority number Date
US3682902 04.01.2002
US43585009 05.05.2009
US65157803 29.08.2003
US201113117942 27.05.2011
US96422497 04.11.1997
US41332599 06.10.1999
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US7972643Global Dossier 05.07.2011B2
US2009211570 27.08.2009A1
Priority number Date
US3682902 04.01.2002
US43585009 05.05.2009
US65157803 29.08.2003
US96422497 04.11.1997
US41332599 06.10.1999
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US7531199Global Dossier 12.05.2009B2
US2004047963 11.03.2004A1
Priority number Date
US3682902 04.01.2002
US65157803 29.08.2003
US96422497 04.11.1997
US41332599 06.10.1999
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP4399516BGlobal Dossier 20.01.2010B2
JP2001521727 13.11.2001A
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
US9823218 03.11.1998
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
AU1296499Global Dossier 24.05.1999A
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
US9823218 03.11.1998
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP1028632Global Dossier 23.08.2000A1
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
US9823218 03.11.1998
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CA2306238 14.05.1999A1
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
US9823218 03.11.1998
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US6613373 02.09.2003B2
US2002146497 10.10.2002A1
Priority number Date
US3682902 04.01.2002
US96422497 04.11.1997
US41332599 06.10.1999
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US6352733 05.03.2002B1
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
US41332599 06.10.1999
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO9922606Global Dossier 14.05.1999A1
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US6013299 11.01.2000A
Priority number Date
US96422497 04.11.1997