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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1862928

EP1862928 - A system and a method for managing sample test results and respective sample result context information [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application has been refused
Status updated on  27.07.2018
Database last updated on 28.03.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip27.07.2018Refusal of applicationpublished on 29.08.2018  [2018/35]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Grenzacherstrasse 124
4070 Basel / CH
For all designated states
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim / DE
Former [2007/49]For all designated states
Grenzacherstrasse 124
4070 Basel / CH
For all designated states
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim / DE
Inventor(s)01 / Bauer, Ralf
Dürkheimer Str. 28
67227 Frankenthal / DE
02 / Gagnaux, Louis-Pierre
8932 Mettmenstetten / CH
03 / Novau, Luis Suarez
C/Banyoles 26
08012 Barcelona / ES
Representative(s)RDL Patentanwälte PartG mbB
Senefelderstrasse 26
70176 Stuttgart / DE
Former [2010/43]Hössle Patentanwälte Partnerschaft
Postfach 10 23 38
70019 Stuttgart / DE
Former [2007/49]Hössle, Markus
Hössle Kudlek & Partner Patentanwälte Postfach 10 23 38
70019 Stuttgart / DE
Application number, filing date06011417.001.06.2006
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP28.11.2006
G16H10/40 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesAT,   BE,   BG,   CH,   CY,   CZ,   DE,   DK,   EE,   ES,   FI,   FR,   GB,   GR,   HU,   IE,   IS,   IT,   LI,   LT,   LU,   LV,   MC,   NL,   PL,   PT,   RO,   SE,   SI,   SK,   TR [2007/49]
TitleGerman:System und Verfahrung zur Bewerkstelligung der Laborproben und jeweiligen Kontextinformationen[2007/49]
English:A system and a method for managing sample test results and respective sample result context information[2007/49]
French:Système et procédé pour la gestion de test d'échatillon de laboratiore et de leur information contextuelle[2007/49]
Examination procedure02.06.2008Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description)
02.06.2008Examination requested  [2008/29]
20.08.2008Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
13.12.2008Reply to a communication from the examining division
09.05.2011Date of oral proceedings
07.07.2011Despatch of communication that the application is refused, reason: substantive examination [2018/35]
07.07.2011Minutes of oral proceedings despatched
23.05.2018Application refused, date of legal effect [2018/35]
Appeal following examination05.09.2011Appeal received No.  T2488/11
05.10.2011Statement of grounds filed
23.05.2018Result of appeal procedure: appeal of the applicant was rejected
23.05.2018Date of oral proceedings
28.05.2018Minutes of oral proceedings despatched
Divisional application(s)The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued is  20.08.2008
Fees paidRenewal fee
18.03.2008Renewal fee patent year 03
05.06.2009Renewal fee patent year 04
31.03.2010Renewal fee patent year 05
07.06.2011Renewal fee patent year 06
31.03.2012Renewal fee patent year 07
31.03.2013Renewal fee patent year 08
31.03.2014Renewal fee patent year 09
05.06.2015Renewal fee patent year 10
31.03.2016Renewal fee patent year 11
07.06.2017Renewal fee patent year 12
07.06.2018Renewal fee patent year 13
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Documents cited:Search[X]WO0193762  (MEDIMAGE APS [DK], et al) [X] 1-29 * page 15, line 10 - page 24, line 2 * * figure 1; claim 1 *;
 [A]WO03065033  (CONTROL DIABETES INC [US]) [A] 1-29 * page 2, line 2 - page 3, line 9 ** page 4, line 9 - page 14, line 16 *;
 [X]US2004033501  (LAPPE MURRAY [US], et al) [X] 1-29 * paragraph [0012] - paragraph [0020] * * paragraph [0029] - paragraph [0069] *
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