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EP Angeführte Dokumente: EP1109576

Angeführt inInternationale Recherche
Veröffentlichungsnr.:US4356170  [A]
 (JENNINGS HAROLD J, et al) [A] 1-58* examples 1-3; claims 1-26 *;
Veröffentlichungsnr.:US4727136  [XY]
 (JENNINGS HAROLD J [CA], et al) [X] 15,48-58 * column 1, line 1 - column 8, line 39 * [Y] 1-14,16-47;
Veröffentlichungsnr.:US5576002  [XY]
 (JENNINGS HAROLD J [CA], et al) [X] 15,48-58 * column 3, line 7 - column 11, line 5; claims 1-38 * [Y] 1-14,16-47;
Veröffentlichungsnr.:WO9640239  [X]
 (CA NAT RESEARCH COUNCIL [CA]) [X] 1-58 * page 1, line 24 - page 9, line 35; examples 1-8; tables 1-3 *;
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - JENNINGS H J ET AL, "Induction of meningococcal group B polysaccharide-specific IgG antibodies in mice by using an N-propionylated B polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine.", JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, (1986 SEP 1) 137 (5) 1708-13., XP002052677 [X] 15,48-58 * abstract, "materials and methods" starting at page 1708 and "discussion" starting at page 1711 * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - JENNINGS H J ET AL, "Unique intermolecular bactericidal epitope involving the homosialopolysaccharide capsule on the cell surface of group B Neisseria meningitidis and Escherichia coli K1.", JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, (1989 MAY 15) 142 (10) 3585-91., XP000872571 [X] 15,48-58 * abstract * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - FUSCO P C ET AL, "Preclinical evaluation of a novel group B meningococcal conjugate vaccine that elicits bactericidal activity in both mice and nonhuman primates.", JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, (1997 FEB) 175 (2) 364-72., XP000291371 [X] 15,48-58 * abstract * * page 364, column 2, paragraph 3 - page 366, column 2, paragraph 2 * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - FUSCO, PETER C. ET AL, "Meningococcal vaccine development: a novel approach", EXPERT OPIN. INVEST. DRUGS (1998), 7(2), 245-252, XP000872557 [X] 15,48-58 * abstract * * page 245, line 1 - page 247, column 1, paragraph 1 * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - GRANOFF D M ET AL, "Bactericidal monoclonal antibodies that define unique meningococcal B polysaccharide epitopes that do not cross-react with human polysialic acid.", JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, (1998 MAY 15) 160 (10) 5028-36., XP000872887 [X] 15,48-58 * abstract and "materials and methods" starting at page 5029 * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:[XY]  - JENNINGS H J ET AL, "Chemically modified Group B meninggococcal polysaccharides as human vaccines", PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MEETING: SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL POLYSACCHARIDES,NL,AMSTERDAM, ELSEVIER, (1987), vol. MEETING 193, pages 149 - 156, XP002016901 [X] 15,48-58 * page 150, line 9 - page 156, line 3 * [Y] 1-14,16-47
Angeführt inPrüfung
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung:   - W.E. DICK ET AL., "Glycoconjugates of Bacterial carbohydrate Antigens.", CONJUGATE VACCINES, (1989), vol. 10, pages 48 - 114