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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1184926

EP1184926 - Gallate based complex oxide electrolyte material [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  26.11.2010
Database last updated on 21.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip26.11.2010No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 29.12.2010  [2010/52]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
2, Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku
Kanagawa-ken / JP
Former [2010/03]For all designated states
2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa-ken / JP
Former [2002/10]For all designated states
2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku
Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken / JP
Inventor(s)01 / Sugiyama, Tatsuo
4-9-1-309, Tote, Saiwai-ku
Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP
02 / Matsuo, Kazuo
5-46-64, Kugou-cho
Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP
03 / Munakata, Fumio
15-22-303, Nishi-cho, Isogo-ku
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP
04 / Akimune, Yoshio
65-1-1016, Yatsu-cho, Kanazawa-ku
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP
Representative(s)Weber, Joachim
Hoefer & Partner
Pilgersheimer Strasse 20
81543 München / DE
Former [2002/10]Weber, Joachim, Dr.
Hoefer, Schmitz, Weber & Partner Patentanwälte Gabriel-Max-Strasse 29
81545 München / DE
Application number, filing date01118461.131.07.2001
Priority number, dateJP2000025759028.08.2000         Original published format: JP 2000257590
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP16.10.2003
ClassificationIPC:H01M8/12, C04B35/50, C04B35/505, C04B35/01, C01G15/00
C04B35/01 (EP,US); C01G15/00 (EP,US); C01G15/006 (EP,US);
C04B35/50 (EP,US); C04B35/505 (EP,US); H01M8/1246 (EP,US);
Y02E60/50 (EP,US); Y02P70/50 (EP,US) (-)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2004/35]
Former [2002/10]AT,  BE,  CH,  CY,  DE,  DK,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE,  TR 
TitleGerman:Elektrolytmaterial aus einem Mischoxid auf Basis von Gallaten[2002/10]
English:Gallate based complex oxide electrolyte material[2002/10]
French:Matériau électrolyte d'un oxyde mixte à base de gallates[2002/10]
Examination procedure31.07.2001Examination requested  [2002/10]
25.01.2008Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M02)
22.02.2008Reply to a communication from the examining division
11.09.2009Communication of intention to grant the patent
09.12.2009Fee for grant paid
09.12.2009Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)21.10.2010No opposition filed within time limit [2010/52]
Fees paidRenewal fee
31.07.2003Renewal fee patent year 03
30.07.2004Renewal fee patent year 04
26.07.2005Renewal fee patent year 05
28.07.2006Renewal fee patent year 06
26.07.2007Renewal fee patent year 07
28.07.2008Renewal fee patent year 08
30.07.2009Renewal fee patent year 09
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Documents cited:Search[XY]WO9822392  (RHODIA CHIMIE SA [FR], et al) [X] 1-4,9,10,12 * page 7, lines 32-35; examples 1,4,5; claims 1,2,4,5,12,16,17 * [Y] 1-12;
 [PX]EP1081782  (NISSAN MOTOR [JP]) [PX] 1-12 * page 4, line 20 - page 5, line 31; figure 1; examples 1-59; claims 1,2,4-9 *;
 [XY]  - ISHIBARA T ET AL, "Oxide ion conductivity in doubly doped PrGaO/sub 3/ perovskite-type oxide", JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, MAY 1999, ELECTROCHEM. SOC, USA, vol. 146, no. 5, ISSN 0013-4651, pages 1643 - 1649, XP002256724 [X] 1-4,9,12 * page 1643 - page 1649; figures 2-4,9-11,13-16 * [Y] 1-12

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 [X]  - HUANG K ET AL, "A solid oxide fuel cell based on Sr- and Mg-doped LaGaO3 electrolyte: the role of a rare-earth oxide buffer", JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, ELSEVIER SEQUOIA, LAUSANNE, CH, (200005), vol. 303-304, ISSN 0925-8388, pages 454 - 464, XP004204403 [X] 1-4,12 * pages 464-457; figures 4,8 * * page 463 *

 [X]  - HUANG P N ET AL, "Processing and conductivity of lanthanum gallate", ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS, ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, PENNINGTON, NJ, US, (1999), vol. 99-19, ISSN 0161-6374, pages 285 - 291, XP002965205 [X] 1-4,12 * pages 285-286; figures 1,2,5,6 * * page 290 *
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