EP1184926 - Gallate based complex oxide electrolyte material [Right-click to bookmark this link] | Status | No opposition filed within time limit Status updated on 26.11.2010 Database last updated on 21.01.2025 | Most recent event Tooltip | 26.11.2010 | No opposition filed within time limit | published on 29.12.2010 [2010/52] | Applicant(s) | For all designated states NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. 2, Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken / JP | [N/P] |
Former [2010/03] | For all designated states NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. 2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken / JP | ||
Former [2002/10] | For all designated states NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. 2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ken / JP | Inventor(s) | 01 /
Sugiyama, Tatsuo 4-9-1-309, Tote, Saiwai-ku Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP | 02 /
Matsuo, Kazuo 5-46-64, Kugou-cho Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP | 03 /
Munakata, Fumio 15-22-303, Nishi-cho, Isogo-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP | 04 /
Akimune, Yoshio 65-1-1016, Yatsu-cho, Kanazawa-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken / JP | [2002/10] | Representative(s) | Weber, Joachim Hoefer & Partner Patentanwälte Pilgersheimer Strasse 20 81543 München / DE | [N/P] |
Former [2002/10] | Weber, Joachim, Dr. Hoefer, Schmitz, Weber & Partner Patentanwälte Gabriel-Max-Strasse 29 81545 München / DE | Application number, filing date | 01118461.1 | 31.07.2001 | [2002/10] | Priority number, date | JP20000257590 | 28.08.2000 Original published format: JP 2000257590 | [2002/10] | Filing language | EN | Procedural language | EN | Publication | Type: | A2 Application without search report | No.: | EP1184926 | Date: | 06.03.2002 | Language: | EN | [2002/10] | Type: | A3 Search report | No.: | EP1184926 | Date: | 03.12.2003 | [2003/49] | Type: | B1 Patent specification | No.: | EP1184926 | Date: | 20.01.2010 | Language: | EN | [2010/03] | Search report(s) | (Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on: | EP | 16.10.2003 | Classification | IPC: | H01M8/12, C04B35/50, C04B35/505, C04B35/01, C01G15/00 | [2002/10] | CPC: |
C04B35/01 (EP,US);
C01G15/00 (EP,US);
C01G15/006 (EP,US);
C04B35/50 (EP,US);
C04B35/505 (EP,US);
H01M8/1246 (EP,US);
| Designated contracting states | DE, FR, GB [2004/35] |
Former [2002/10] | AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LI, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR | Title | German: | Elektrolytmaterial aus einem Mischoxid auf Basis von Gallaten | [2002/10] | English: | Gallate based complex oxide electrolyte material | [2002/10] | French: | Matériau électrolyte d'un oxyde mixte à base de gallates | [2002/10] | Examination procedure | 31.07.2001 | Examination requested [2002/10] | 25.01.2008 | Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M02) | 22.02.2008 | Reply to a communication from the examining division | 11.09.2009 | Communication of intention to grant the patent | 09.12.2009 | Fee for grant paid | 09.12.2009 | Fee for publishing/printing paid | Opposition(s) | 21.10.2010 | No opposition filed within time limit [2010/52] | Fees paid | Renewal fee | 31.07.2003 | Renewal fee patent year 03 | 30.07.2004 | Renewal fee patent year 04 | 26.07.2005 | Renewal fee patent year 05 | 28.07.2006 | Renewal fee patent year 06 | 26.07.2007 | Renewal fee patent year 07 | 28.07.2008 | Renewal fee patent year 08 | 30.07.2009 | Renewal fee patent year 09 |
Opt-out from the exclusive Tooltip competence of the Unified Patent Court | See the Register of the Unified Patent Court for opt-out data | ||
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