Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP1356917

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:JPH11245305  [X]
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4526565  [Y]
 (HUMMEL JOHN E [US], et al) [Y] 11-14* figures 16,18,20 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP1066951  [XY]
 (SHIKOKU KAKOKI CO LTD [JP]) [X] 1-10 * figures 1,3,7-22 * * page 2, column 1, paragraph 1 * * page 2, column 2, paragraph 4 * [Y] 11-14;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2002011048  [X]
 (KOEHN UWE [DE]) [X] 11 * figure 1 * * paragraphs [0001] , [0004] , [0005] *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP1232850  [XP]
 (GREIF VELOX MASCHF GMBH [DE]) [XP] 1 * figures 1a,1b,2 *
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[X]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19991222), vol. 1999, no. 14, & JP11245305 A 19990914 (LIHIT LAB INC) [X] 1 * figure 13 * * page 4, paragraph 19 *