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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1346856

EP1346856 - A system and method for determining the roll angle of a vehicle [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  06.08.2010
Database last updated on 01.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip06.08.2010No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 08.09.2010  [2010/36]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
600, Parklane Towers East One Parklane Boulevard
Dearborn, MI 48126 / US
Former [2003/39]For all designated states
Ford Global Technologies, Inc.
600, Parklane Towers East One Parklane Boulevard
Dearborn, Michigan 48126 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Tseng, Hongtei Eric
47028, Glastonbury Drive
Canton, MI 48188 / US
02 / Hrovat, Davorin David
2605, White Oak Court
Ann Arbor, MI 48103 / US
03 / Fodor, Michael G.
2758, Cornell Avenue
Dearborn, MI 48124 / US
Representative(s)Messulam, Alec Moses, et al
Harrison IP Limited
3 Ebor House
London Ebor Business Park
Millfield Lane
Nether Poppleton York YO26 6QY / GB
Former [2003/39]Messulam, Alec Moses, et al
A. Messulam & Co. Ltd., 43-45 High Road
Bushey Heath, Bushey, Herts WD23 1EE / GB
Application number, filing date03100122.521.01.2003
Priority number, dateUS2002010199820.03.2002         Original published format: US 101998
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP27.10.2004
ClassificationIPC:B60G17/015, B60T8/00, B62D6/04
B60T8/172 (EP,US); B60G17/0162 (EP,US); B60G17/019 (EP,US);
B60G17/0195 (EP,US); B60W40/112 (EP); B60G2400/0511 (EP,US);
B60G2400/0521 (EP,US); B60G2400/104 (EP,US); B60G2400/204 (EP,US);
B60G2400/41 (EP,US); B60G2400/82 (EP,US); B60G2600/602 (EP,US);
B60G2600/604 (EP,US); B60G2800/012 (EP,US); B60G2800/0194 (EP,US);
B60G2800/24 (EP,US); B60G2800/702 (EP,US); B60T2210/22 (EP,US);
B60T2230/03 (EP,US); B60W2050/0055 (EP,US); B60W2050/0056 (EP,US);
B60W2510/20 (EP,US); B60W2520/10 (EP,US); B60W2520/125 (EP,US);
B60W2520/18 (EP,US); B60W2540/18 (EP); B60W2552/00 (EP,US);
B60W2552/15 (EP,US); B60W2720/18 (EP,US); B60W30/04 (EP,US) (-)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2005/35]
Former [2003/39]AT,  BE,  BG,  CH,  CY,  CZ,  DE,  DK,  EE,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  HU,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE,  SI,  SK,  TR 
TitleGerman:System und Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Rollwinkels eines Fahrzeugs[2003/39]
English:A system and method for determining the roll angle of a vehicle[2003/39]
French:Système et méthode pour déterminer l'angle de roulis d'un véhicule[2003/39]
Examination procedure02.05.2005Examination requested  [2005/26]
19.09.2005Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
23.12.2005Reply to a communication from the examining division
16.07.2007Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
12.11.2007Reply to a communication from the examining division
28.05.2009Communication of intention to grant the patent
21.08.2009Fee for grant paid
21.08.2009Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)01.07.2010No opposition filed within time limit [2010/36]
Fees paidRenewal fee
03.01.2005Renewal fee patent year 03
27.12.2005Renewal fee patent year 04
05.01.2007Renewal fee patent year 05
13.12.2007Renewal fee patent year 06
21.12.2008Renewal fee patent year 07
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Documents cited:Search[Y]JP2001071787  ;
 [Y]EP0689116  (GEN MOTORS CORP [US]) [Y] 8 * page 3, line 33 - line 34 * * page 3, line 36 - line 37 * * figure 5 * * page 5, line 35 - line 37 *;
 [A]EP0983919  (FORD GLOBAL TECH INC [US]) [A] 8 * page 5, line 53 - line 54 * * figure 3 *;
 [A]EP1002709  (DELPHI TECH INC [US]) [A] 3,4,6 * column 9, line 48 - line 49 ** column 7, line 13 - line 17 *;
 [A]EP1013524  (FORD GLOBAL TECH INC [US]) [A] 1,8 * page 2, line 36 - line 39 * * page 3, line 31 - line 34 * * page 4, line 7 - line 9 *;
 [A]WO0144020  (SIEMENS AG [DE], et al) [A] 2 * page 5, line 20 - line 21 *;
 [Y]US6332353  (GESELE FRANK [DE], et al) [Y] 1,6,8 * column 3, line 1 - line 15 *;
 [A]US6351694  (TSENG HONGTEI ERIC [US], et al) [A] 7,10 * column 2, line 10 - line 19 * * column 3, line 1 - line 3 * * figures 1,4 *
 [Y]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (20010710), vol. 2000, no. 20, & JP2001071787 A 20010321 (HONDA MOTOR CO LTD) [Y] 1,6 * abstract *
by applicantUS5446658
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