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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1503295

EP1503295 - TEXT GENERATION METHOD AND TEXT GENERATION DEVICE [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  02.02.2018
Database last updated on 22.01.2025
FormerExamination is in progress
Status updated on  29.10.2017
Most recent event   Tooltip02.02.2018Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 07.03.2018  [2018/10]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Independent Administrative Institution
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0015 / JP
Former [2005/05]For all designated states
Communications Research Laboratory, Independent Administrative Institution
4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi
Koganei-Shi, Tokyo 184-0015 / JP
Inventor(s)01 / UCHIMOTO, K., Comm. Res. Lab., Indep. Adm. Instit.
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi
Koganei-shi, Tokyo / JP
02 / ISAHARA, H., Comm. Res. Lab., Indep. Adm. Instit.
4-2-1, Nukui-Kitamachi
Koganei-shi, Tokyo / JP
03 / SEKINE, S, Computer Science Dep., New York Univ.
715 Broadway, 7th floor
New York, NY 10003 / US
Representative(s)Gill Jennings & Every LLP
The Broadgate Tower
20 Primrose Street
London EC2A 2ES / GB
Former [2005/05]Finnie, Peter John
Gill Jennings & Every, Broadgate House, 7 Eldon Street
London EC2M 7LH / GB
Application number, filing date03744509.504.03.2003
Priority number, dateJP2002007427018.03.2002         Original published format: JP 2002074270
Filing languageJA
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report
Type: A1 Application with search report 
The application published by WIPO in one of the EPO official languages on 25.09.2003 takes the place of the publication of the European patent application.
Search report(s)International search report - published on:JP25.09.2003
(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP25.09.2008
G06F40/53 (EP,US); G06F40/56 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesFR,   GB [2005/05]
Entry into regional phase21.09.2004Translation filed 
07.10.2004National basic fee paid 
07.10.2004Search fee paid 
07.10.2004Designation fee(s) paid 
07.10.2004Examination fee paid 
Examination procedure07.10.2004Examination requested  [2005/05]
27.04.2009Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
16.10.2009Reply to a communication from the examining division
17.01.2011Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
18.07.2011Reply to a communication from the examining division
23.07.2013Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
31.10.2013Reply to a communication from the examining division
03.10.2017Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2018/10]
30.10.2017Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: renewal fee not paid in time  [2018/10]
Divisional application(s)The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued is  27.04.2009
Fees paidRenewal fee
14.03.2005Renewal fee patent year 03
09.03.2006Renewal fee patent year 04
14.03.2007Renewal fee patent year 05
14.03.2008Renewal fee patent year 06
13.03.2009Renewal fee patent year 07
15.03.2010Renewal fee patent year 08
15.03.2011Renewal fee patent year 09
14.03.2012Renewal fee patent year 10
26.03.2013Renewal fee patent year 11
21.03.2014Renewal fee patent year 12
24.03.2015Renewal fee patent year 13
25.03.2016Renewal fee patent year 14
Penalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
31.03.201715   M06   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:Search[E]EP1469398  (NAT INST INF & COMM TECH [JP]) [E] 1-10 * the whole document *;
 [PX]  - KIYOTAKA UCHIMOTO, SATOSHI SEKINE, HITOSHI ISAHARA, "Text Generation from Keywords", HOWARD INTERNATIONAL HOUSE AND ACADEMIA SINICA, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, (20020824), URL:, (20081112), XP002495564 [PX] 1-10 * the whole document *
 [A]  - KOJI KAKIGAHARA & TERUAKI AIZAWA, "Completion of Japanese Sentences by Inferring Function Words from Content Words", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS, Budapest, Hungary, vol. 1, (19880822), pages 291 - 296, URL:, (20080912), XP002495565 [A] 1-10 * abstract * * sections 1-4, 7 *
 [A]  - LANGKILDE I ET AL, "Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge", INTERNET CITATION, (1998), URL:, (20031023), XP002259075 [A] 1-10 * abstract *
 [A]  - ADAM BERGER & JOHN LAFFERTY, "Information retrieval as statistical translation", IN PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1999 ACM SIGIR CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, Berkeley, CA, USA, (19990815), pages 222 - 229, URL:, (20080912), XP002495566 [A] 1-10 * abstract *
International search[Y]JPH05250407  (HITACHI LTD);
 [Y]JPH07249039  (RICOH KK)
 [Y]  - KIYOTAKA UCHIMOTO, HITOSHI ISAHARA, "Saidai entropy model o mochiita nihongo text no ikkan shori", THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE KENKYU SHIRYO SIG-CII-2000-NOV-09, (20001114), XP002969566
 [Y]  - KIYOTAKA UCHIMOTO ET AL., "Corpus kara no gojun no gakushu", INFORMATION PROCESSING SOCIETY OF JAPAN KENKYU HOKOKU 2000-NL-135-8, (20000128), vol. 2000, no. 11, pages 55 - 62, XP002969567
by applicantJP2001395618
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