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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP1811345

EP1811345 - Power control for a heating roller in an image forming apparatus [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  27.05.2011
Database last updated on 02.11.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip27.05.2011No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 29.06.2011  [2011/26]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu
Gyeonggi-do 442-742 / KR
Former [2010/29]For all designated states
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si
Gyeonggi-do 442-742 / KR
Former [2007/30]For all designated states
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
416 Maetan-Dong, Yeongtong-Gu Suwon-si
442-742 Gyeonggi-Do / KR
Inventor(s)01 / Chae, Young-min
321-1004 Cheongmyeong Maeul 3-danji Apt. Yeongtong
Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do / KR
02 / Han, Sang-yong
425-703 Cheongmyeong Maeul Kunyoung Apt. Yeongtong
Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do / KR
03 / Kwon, Joong-gi
1132-304 Jangmi Apt., 1092 Sanbon-dong Gunpo-si
Gyeonggi-do / KR
04 / Kim, Se-joong
11-202 Hanyang Apt., Siheung 1-dong Geumcheon-gu
Seoul / KR
05 / Cho, Jun-seok
(402) 263-34 Gwangmyeong 5-dong, Gwangmyeong-si
Gyeonggi-do / KR
Representative(s)Bruce, Alexander Richard Henry, et al
Venner Shipley LLP
200 Aldersgate
London EC1A 4HD / GB
Former [2008/43]Bruce, Alexander Richard Henry, et al
Venner Shipley LLP 20 Little Britain
London EC1A 7DH / GB
Former [2007/30]Walaski, Jan Filip, et al
Venner Shipley LLP 20 Little Britain
London EC1A 7DH / GB
Application number, filing date07101095.324.01.2007
Priority number, dateKR2006000725524.01.2006         Original published format: KR 20060007255
KR2006001177807.02.2006         Original published format: KR 20060011778
KR2006001288610.02.2006         Original published format: KR 20060012886
KR2006001842724.02.2006         Original published format: KR 20060018427
KR2006002356714.03.2006         Original published format: KR 20060023567
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP04.06.2007
G03G15/2039 (EP,US); G03G15/205 (US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB,   NL [2008/14]
Former [2007/30]AT,  BE,  BG,  CH,  CY,  CZ,  DE,  DK,  EE,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  HU,  IE,  IS,  IT,  LI,  LT,  LU,  LV,  MC,  NL,  PL,  PT,  RO,  SE,  SI,  SK,  TR 
TitleGerman:Leistungsregelung für eine Heizwalze in einem Bildformungsapparat[2007/30]
English:Power control for a heating roller in an image forming apparatus[2007/30]
French:Contrôle de puissance d'un rouleau chauffant dans un appareil de formation d'image[2007/30]
Examination procedure24.01.2007Examination requested  [2007/30]
26.01.2008Loss of particular rights, legal effect: designated state(s)
20.02.2008Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
29.02.2008Despatch of communication of loss of particular rights: designated state(s) AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FI, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR
29.08.2008Reply to a communication from the examining division
02.03.2010Communication of intention to grant the patent
08.06.2010Fee for grant paid
08.06.2010Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)26.04.2011No opposition filed within time limit [2011/26]
Fees paidRenewal fee
20.01.2009Renewal fee patent year 03
19.01.2010Renewal fee patent year 04
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Documents cited:Search[A]US5758228  (HIROSE KAZUNORI [JP], et al) [A] 6 * figures 33-45 *;
 [A]GB2321319  (SEIKO EPSON CORP [JP]) [A] 1-33* abstract *;
 [Y]JPH10301441  (RICOH KK) [Y] 7 * abstract *;
 [Y]JP2004240250  (RICOH KK) [Y] 1-33 * abstract * * paragraph [0033] - paragraph [0065] *;
 [YA]JP2004325739  (KYOCERA MITA CORP) [Y] 1 * abstract * * paragraph [0023] * [A] 2-33;
 [Y]JP2005091965  (RICOH KK) [Y] 1-33 * abstract * * paragraph [0003] - paragraph [0041] *;
 [A]JP2005258346  (SHARP KK) [A] 1-33 * abstract * * paragraph [0045] - paragraph [0062] *
by applicantWO2005091965
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.