EP1900534 - Image forming apparatus [Right-click to bookmark this link] | Status | No opposition filed within time limit Status updated on 21.04.2012 Database last updated on 01.01.2025 | Most recent event Tooltip | 27.04.2012 | Lapse of the patent in a contracting state | published on 30.05.2012 [2012/22] | Applicant(s) | For all designated states Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do 442-742 / KR | [N/P] |
Former [2011/24] | For all designated states Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do 442-742 / KR | ||
Former [2008/12] | For all designated states Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 416 Maetan-dong, Yeongtong-gu Suwon-si 442-742 Gyeonggi-do / KR | Inventor(s) | 01 /
Choi, Dong-ha 212-502 Konmenoeul-maeul Poonglim Apt. Hwaseo 2-dong Jangan-gu Suwon-si Gyeonggi-do / KR | [2008/12] | Representative(s) | Chettle, John Edward, et al Venner Shipley LLP 200 Aldersgate London EC1A 4HD / GB | [N/P] |
Former [2011/12] | Chettle, John Edward, et al Venner Shipley LLP 20 Little Britain London EC1A 7DH / GB | ||
Former [2008/12] | Perkins, Dawn Elizabeth, et al Venner Shipley LLP 20 Little Britain London EC1A 7DH / GB | Application number, filing date | 07110858.3 | 22.06.2007 | [2008/12] | Priority number, date | KR20060088284 | 12.09.2006 Original published format: KR 20060088284 | [2008/12] | Filing language | EN | Procedural language | EN | Publication | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | EP1900534 | Date: | 19.03.2008 | Language: | EN | [2008/12] | Type: | B1 Patent specification | No.: | EP1900534 | Date: | 15.06.2011 | Language: | EN | [2011/24] | Search report(s) | (Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on: | EP | 18.10.2007 | Classification | IPC: | B41J11/00, B41J13/10, B41J29/02 | [2008/12] | CPC: |
G03G15/6561 (EP,US);
G03G15/00 (KR);
B41J11/005 (EP,US);
B41J13/103 (EP,US);
B41J13/14 (EP,US);
B41J29/023 (EP,US);
| Designated contracting states | DE, FR, GB, NL [2008/49] |
Former [2008/48] | |||
Former [2008/12] | AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR | Title | German: | Bilderzeugungsvorrichtung | [2008/12] | English: | Image forming apparatus | [2008/12] | French: | Appareil de formation d'images | [2008/12] | Examination procedure | 18.09.2008 | Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description) | 18.09.2008 | Examination requested [2008/49] | 20.09.2008 | Loss of particular rights, legal effect: designated state(s) | 26.11.2008 | Despatch of communication of loss of particular rights: designated state(s) AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DK, EE, ES, FI, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR | 08.07.2009 | Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04) | 18.11.2009 | Reply to a communication from the examining division | 29.12.2010 | Communication of intention to grant the patent | 06.05.2011 | Fee for grant paid | 06.05.2011 | Fee for publishing/printing paid | Divisional application(s) | The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued is 08.07.2009 | Opposition(s) | 16.03.2012 | No opposition filed within time limit [2012/21] | Fees paid | Renewal fee | 17.06.2009 | Renewal fee patent year 03 | 31.03.2010 | Renewal fee patent year 04 |
Opt-out from the exclusive Tooltip competence of the Unified Patent Court | See the Register of the Unified Patent Court for opt-out data | ||
Responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the data displayed under the link provided lies entirely with the Unified Patent Court. | Lapses during opposition Tooltip | FR | 16.08.2011 | [2012/22] | Documents cited: | Search | [X]EP1132215 (SEIKO EPSON CORP [JP]) [X] 1-7,9-16,19 * claim - * * figures 3,30,37 *; | [X]US2005018215 (RUHE TOM [US], et al) [X] 1-7,9-16,19 * claim - ** figure 3 *; | [X]EP1584992 (BROTHER IND LTD [JP]) [X] 1-20 * figure 1 * * claims 1,6 * * paragraph [0026] * * paragraph [0049] * * paragraph [0092] * * paragraph [0097] * * paragraph [0076] * * paragraph [0031] *; | [X]US2006192833 (SAMOTO KENJI [JP], et al) [X] 1-20 * the whole document * | by applicant | EP1584992 |