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EP07819102 EP2007009035W US51345007

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8639867Global Dossier 28.01.2014B2
US2010088537 08.04.2010A1
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
WO2007EP09035 18.10.2007
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2109963Global Dossier 12.12.2012B1
EP2109963 21.10.2009A2
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
WO2007EP09035 18.10.2007
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN101529820B 19.06.2013B
CN101529820 09.09.2009A
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
WO2007EP09035 18.10.2007
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
DE102007050280 19.11.2009B4
DE102007050280 16.10.2008A8
DE102007050280 08.05.2008A1
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
DE102007050280 18.10.2007
DE102007063686 18.10.2007
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
DE102007063686 05.08.2010B4
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
DE102007050280 18.10.2007
DE102007063686 18.10.2007
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
DE202007019510U 15.02.2013U1
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
DE202007019510 18.10.2007
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2008052668Global Dossier 12.03.2009A3
WO2008052668 08.05.2008A2
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
CN102394802B 17.06.2015B
CN102394802 28.03.2012A
Priority number Date
DE102006052297 03.11.2006
TypeType Divisional application
  Application deemed to be withdrawn  : 07.02.2012