Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP1985762

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:DE2936317  [A]
 (HOFMANN WALTER MASCHF) [A] 1* page 12, line 16 - page 14, line 18; figures 1,2 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4572703  [A]
 (MOLLER JENS GERT K [DK]) [A] 1 * column 2, line 56 - column 4, line 2; figures 5,6 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US5785760  [A]
 (SCONYERS JOHN ROSS [US], et al) [A] 1 * column 2, line 14 - column 3, line 45; figures 1-3 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO03006744  [A]
 (TRYSIL MASKIN AS [NO], et al) [A] 1 * page 2, line 22 - page 3, line 29; figures 1-3 *