EP2145984 - GAS GENERATING DEVICE AND CARBON ELECTRODE FOR GAS GENERATION [Right-click to bookmark this link] | Status | The application is deemed to be withdrawn Status updated on 01.09.2017 Database last updated on 25.12.2024 | |
Former | Examination is in progress Status updated on 09.12.2016 | Most recent event Tooltip | 01.09.2017 | Application deemed to be withdrawn | published on 04.10.2017 [2017/40] | Applicant(s) | For all designated states Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 5-2, Higashi-Shimbashi 1-chome Minato-ku Tokyo 105-7117 / JP | [2010/07] |
Former [2010/03] | For all designated states Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. 5-2, Higashi-Shimbashi 1-chome Minato-ku Tokyo 105-7117 / JP | ||
For all designated states Yokagawa Electric Corporation 2-9-32 Naka-cho Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-8750 / JP | Inventor(s) | 01 /
MAEKAWA, Hiroshi c/o Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 580-32 Nagaura Sodegaura-shi Chiba 299-0265 / JP | 02 /
SADAMOTO, Mitsuru c/o Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 580-32 Nagaura Sodegaura-shi Chiba 299-0265 / JP | 03 /
ITO, Souta c/o Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 580-32 Nagaura Sodegaura-shi Chiba 299-0265 / JP | 04 /
MAEDA, Takahiro c/o Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 580-32 Nagaura Sodegaura-shi Chiba 299-0265 / JP | 05 /
SUZUKI, Kentaro c/o Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2-9-32 Nakacho Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-8750 / JP | 06 /
WATANABE, Tetsuya c/o Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2-9-32 Nakacho Musashino-shi Tokyo 180-8750 / JP | [2010/03] | Representative(s) | Hoffmann Eitle Patent- und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB Arabellastraße 30 81925 München / DE | [N/P] |
Former [2010/03] | HOFFMANN EITLE Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Arabellastrasse 4 81925 München / DE | Application number, filing date | 08738620.7 | 22.04.2008 | [2010/03] | WO2008JP01050 | Priority number, date | JP20070112974 | 23.04.2007 Original published format: JP 2007112974 | JP20070225943 | 31.08.2007 Original published format: JP 2007225943 | [2010/03] | Filing language | JA | Procedural language | EN | Publication | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | WO2008132836 | Date: | 06.11.2008 | Language: | JA | [2008/45] | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | EP2145984 | Date: | 20.01.2010 | Language: | EN | [2010/03] | Search report(s) | International search report - published on: | JP | 06.11.2008 | (Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on: | EP | 01.12.2014 | Classification | IPC: | C25B11/03, C25B1/24, C25B11/12 | [2015/01] | CPC: |
C25B11/03 (EP,KR,US);
C25B1/245 (EP,KR,US);
C25B11/043 (EP,KR,US)
Former IPC [2010/03] | C25B11/03, C25B1/24 | Designated contracting states | AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR [2010/03] | Title | German: | GASERZEUGUNGSVORRICHTUNG UND KOHLEELEKTRODE FÜR DIE GASERZEUGUNG | [2010/03] | English: | GAS GENERATING DEVICE AND CARBON ELECTRODE FOR GAS GENERATION | [2010/03] | French: | DISPOSITIF DE GÉNÉRATION DE GAZ ET ÉLECTRODE DE CARBONE POUR UNE GÉNÉRATION DE GAZ | [2010/03] | Entry into regional phase | 12.11.2009 | Translation filed | 12.11.2009 | National basic fee paid | 12.11.2009 | Search fee paid | 12.11.2009 | Designation fee(s) paid | 12.11.2009 | Examination fee paid | Examination procedure | 12.11.2009 | Examination requested [2010/03] | 29.06.2015 | Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description) | 09.12.2016 | Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04) | 20.04.2017 | Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect [2017/40] | 18.05.2017 | Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time [2017/40] | Divisional application(s) | The date of the Examining Division's first communication in respect of the earliest application for which a communication has been issued is 09.12.2016 | Fees paid | Renewal fee | 23.03.2010 | Renewal fee patent year 03 | 28.04.2011 | Renewal fee patent year 04 | 22.03.2012 | Renewal fee patent year 05 | 15.04.2013 | Renewal fee patent year 06 | 25.03.2014 | Renewal fee patent year 07 | 27.04.2015 | Renewal fee patent year 08 | 30.03.2016 | Renewal fee patent year 09 | Penalty fee | Additional fee for renewal fee | 30.04.2017 | 10   M06   Not yet paid |
Opt-out from the exclusive Tooltip competence of the Unified Patent Court | See the Register of the Unified Patent Court for opt-out data | ||
Responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the data displayed under the link provided lies entirely with the Unified Patent Court. | Documents cited: | Search | [X]JPS57200585 (NIHON KEIKINZOKU SOUGOU KENKYU) [X] 1,12,13 * abstract *; | [XI]US4511440 (SAPROKHIN ALEXANDER M [US], et al) [X] 1 * the whole document * [I] 2-11,14; | [L]WO2008132818 (MITSUI CHEMICALS INC [JP], et al) [L] * cited for throwing doubt on the validity of the priority claim; paragraph [0118] - paragraph [0128]; figures 18a,18b,19a * | International search | [X]JPS56130484 (DOW CHEMICAL CO); | [Y]JPS57200584 (NIHON KEIKINZOKU SOUGOU KENKYU); | [Y]JPS60155502 (ALLIED CHEM); | [Y]JPH091151 (SHOWA DENKO KK); | [Y]JPH11236693 (TOYO TANSO CO); | [Y]JP3081949U ; | [Y]JP2002110182 (SONY CORP); | [Y]JP2003027270 (TOKAI CARBON KK); | [Y]JP2005038738 (MITSUBISHI RAYON CO); | [A]JP2005270732 (SANDEN CORP); | [Y]JP2005336607 (TOKAI RYOKAKU TETSUDO KK); | [A]JP2006291297 (SATO TOSHIGORO) | by applicant | JPH11236693 | JP2002339090 |