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EP10783380 JP2009297548 JP2010059293W US201013318337

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9169480Global Dossier 27.10.2015B2
US2012053329 01.03.2012A1
Priority number Date
JP2009132911 02.06.2009
WO2010JP59293 26.05.2010
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP5729904BGlobal Dossier 03.06.2015B2
JP2011010650 20.01.2011A
Priority number Date
JP2009297548 28.12.2009
JP2009132911 02.06.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2438166Global Dossier 11.11.2015B1
EP2438166 19.06.2013A4
EP2438166 11.04.2012A1
Priority number Date
JP2009132911 02.06.2009
WO2010JP59293 26.05.2010
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2010140598Global Dossier 09.12.2010A1
Priority number Date
JP2009132911 02.06.2009