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EP Patent family: EP2353863 Family dossiers alerts: RSS Email

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CN201110035088 EP11000672 JP2010021336 JP2010021339 US201113018193

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP2011156791Global Dossier 18.08.2011A
Priority number Date
JP2010021339 02.02.2010
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP2011156790Global Dossier 18.08.2011A
Priority number Date
JP2010021336 02.02.2010
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US9352545Global Dossier 31.05.2016B2
US2011185927 04.08.2011A1
Priority number Date
JP2010021339 02.02.2010
JP2010021336 02.02.2010
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
CN102189740BGlobal Dossier 02.03.2016B
CN102189740 21.09.2011A
Priority number Date
JP2010021339 02.02.2010
JP2010021336 02.02.2010
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP2353863Global Dossier 30.03.2016B1
EP2353863 10.08.2011A1
Priority number Date
JP2010021339 02.02.2010
JP2010021336 02.02.2010