EP2566129 - METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR ACQUIRING MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL ADDRESS [Right-click to bookmark this link] | Status | The application has been withdrawn Status updated on 17.05.2013 Database last updated on 04.11.2024 | Most recent event Tooltip | 17.05.2013 | Withdrawal of application | published on 19.06.2013 [2013/25] | Applicant(s) | For all designated states Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Administration Building Bantian Longgang District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518129 / CN | [N/P] |
Former [2013/10] | For all designated states Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Huawei Administration Building Bantian Longgang District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518129 / CN | Inventor(s) | 01 /
ZHU, Guojun Huawei Administration Building Bantian Longgang Shenzhen Guangdong 518129 / CN | [2013/10] | Representative(s) | Kreuz, Georg Maria, et al Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH Riesstraße 25 80992 München / DE | [N/P] |
Former [2013/10] | Kreuz, Georg Maria, et al Huawei Technologies Dessauerstrasse 3 80992 Munich / DE | Application number, filing date | 11786131.0 | 03.06.2011 | WO2011CN75331 | Priority number, date | CN20101603483 | 21.12.2010 Original published format: CN201010603483 | [2013/10] | Filing language | ZH | Procedural language | EN | Publication | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | WO2011147359 | Date: | 01.12.2011 | Language: | ZH | [2011/48] | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | EP2566129 | Date: | 06.03.2013 | Language: | EN | [2013/10] | Search report(s) | International search report - published on: | CN | 01.12.2011 | (Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on: | EP | 28.02.2013 | Classification | IPC: | H04L29/12 | [2013/14] | CPC: |
H04L61/103 (EP,US);
H04L61/59 (EP,US)
Former IPC [2013/10] | H04L29/06 | Designated contracting states | AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, TR [2013/10] | Extension states | BA | Not yet paid | ME | Not yet paid | Title | German: | VERFAHREN, VORRICHTUNG UND SYSTEM ZUR GEWINNUNG VON MEDIENZUGANGSSTEUERUNGSADRESSEN | [2013/10] | English: | METHOD, APPARATUS AND SYSTEM FOR ACQUIRING MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL ADDRESS | [2013/10] | French: | PROCÉDÉ, DISPOSITIF ET SYSTÈME POUR ACQUÉRIR UNE ADRESSE DE COMMANDE D'ACCÈS AU SUPPORT | [2013/10] | Entry into regional phase | 30.11.2012 | Translation filed | 30.11.2012 | National basic fee paid | 30.11.2012 | Search fee paid | 30.11.2012 | Designation fee(s) paid | 30.11.2012 | Examination fee paid | Examination procedure | 30.11.2012 | Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description) | 30.11.2012 | Examination requested [2013/10] | 13.05.2013 | Application withdrawn by applicant [2013/25] |
Opt-out from the exclusive Tooltip competence of the Unified Patent Court | See the Register of the Unified Patent Court for opt-out data | ||
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