Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP2604755

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US3969851  [XY]
 (WHITACRE DANIEL C) [X] 1,11-13 * column 1, lines 10-37 * * column 3, lines 3-36; figures 1,3 * [Y] 11-13;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:DE202011000442U  [XY]
 (LITHONPLUS GMBH & CO KG [DE]) [X] 1,10 * page 2, paragraphs 1-4 * * page 7, paragraph 49 - page 9, paragraph 60 * * figures 2,3a,4,6,7a,7b * [Y] 11-13;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:DE102010000021  [X]
 (LITHONPLUS GMBH & CO KG [DE]) [X] 1,10-13 * page 2, paragraphs 7-9 * * page 6, paragraph 58; figures 1-4 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:FR1554282  [XY]
 (GEWERKSCHAFT KERAMCHEMIE) [X] 1,11-13 * figure 1; claim 1 * [Y] 9;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:GB478419  [XAY]
 (HUGH GORDON HUGHES, et al) [X] 1-8 * the whole document * [A] 10-13 [Y] 9;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:GB1315772  [XAY]
 (STEINER SILIDUR AG) [X] 1-8 * the whole document * [A] 10-13 [Y] 9