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CN201280049672 EP12823906 JP2014524922 KR20090080708 KR20110080392 KR2012006237W US201113252217 US201213425270 US201514709024 US201816226627


US201816226630 US63180309

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2016193043Global Dossier 07.07.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201113252217 04.10.2011
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
US23982809 04.09.2009
US63180309 04.12.2009
US201514709024 11.05.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8632588Global Dossier 21.01.2014B2
US2012179246 12.07.2012A1
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011
US201213425270 20.03.2012
US63180309 04.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US8231671Global Dossier 31.07.2012B2
US2011054597 03.03.2011A1
Priority number Date
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
US23982809 04.09.2009
US63180309 04.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10940006Global Dossier 09.03.2021B2
US2019262128 29.08.2019A1
Priority number Date
US201113252217 04.10.2011
US201816226627 19.12.2018
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
US23982809 04.09.2009
US63180309 04.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10874515Global Dossier 29.12.2020B2
US2019269503 05.09.2019A1
Priority number Date
US201113252217 04.10.2011
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
US201816226630 19.12.2018
US23982809 04.09.2009
US63180309 04.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10195032Global Dossier 05.02.2019B2
US2012029629 02.02.2012A1
Priority number Date
US201113252217 04.10.2011
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
US23982809 04.09.2009
US63180309 04.12.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR101116867BGlobal Dossier 06.03.2012B1
KR20110023094 08.03.2011A
Priority number Date
KR20090080708 28.08.2009
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP2014525809Global Dossier 02.10.2014A
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011
WO2012KR06237 06.08.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN103930068Global Dossier 16.07.2014A
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011
WO2012KR06237 06.08.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2742912Global Dossier 13.05.2015A4
EP2742912 18.06.2014A2
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011
WO2012KR06237 06.08.2012
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2013024998Global Dossier 30.05.2013A3
WO2013024998 21.02.2013A2
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
KR101231140BGlobal Dossier 07.02.2013B1
Priority number Date
KR20110080392 12.08.2011