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EP Patent family: EP2773896 Family dossiers alerts: RSS Email

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CN201680029330 CN201810081933 EP12844991 EP16800549 EP17210079 JP2014540130 US2012063298W US201414267500 US2016033533W US201615160675


US201715438290 US201815924819 US201916518420 US202117353360 US2022034318W

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2022271681Global Dossier 29.12.2022A1
Priority number Date
US202117353360 21.06.2021
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
WO2016191280Global Dossier 01.12.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201562175666 15.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2021364899Global Dossier 25.11.2021A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201715438290 21.02.2017
US201916518420 22.07.2019
US201562175666 15.06.2015
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201815924819 19.03.2018
US201615160675 20.05.2016
US202117353360 21.06.2021
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9921459Global Dossier 20.03.2018B2
US2017159875 08.06.2017A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201715438290 21.02.2017
US201562175666 15.06.2015
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201615160675 20.05.2016
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9575330Global Dossier 21.02.2017B2
US2016334638 17.11.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201562175666 15.06.2015
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201615160675 20.05.2016
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US9360740Global Dossier 07.06.2016B2
US2014288694 25.09.2014A1
Priority number Date
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US11042078Global Dossier 22.06.2021B2
US2019339597 07.11.2019A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201715438290 21.02.2017
US201916518420 22.07.2019
US201562175666 15.06.2015
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201815924819 19.03.2018
US201615160675 20.05.2016
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10359690Global Dossier 23.07.2019B2
US2018275492 27.09.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201414267500 01.05.2014
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201715438290 21.02.2017
US201562175666 15.06.2015
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201815924819 19.03.2018
US201615160675 20.05.2016
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP6151263BGlobal Dossier 21.06.2017B2
JP2015504627 12.02.2015A
Priority number Date
US201161554676 02.11.2011
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3364095Global Dossier 16.10.2019B1
EP3364095 22.08.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201715438290 21.02.2017
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3298319Global Dossier 17.04.2019A4
EP3298319 28.03.2018A1
Priority number Date
WO2016US33533 20.05.2016
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201562175666 15.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN108458224BGlobal Dossier 13.12.2019B
CN108458224 28.08.2018A
Priority number Date
US201715438290 21.02.2017
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN107614959BGlobal Dossier 15.09.2020B
CN107614959 19.01.2018A
Priority number Date
WO2016US33533 20.05.2016
US201562165461 22.05.2015
US201562175666 15.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP2773896Global Dossier 30.05.2018B1
EP2773896 26.08.2015A4
EP2773896 10.09.2014A1
Priority number Date
US201161554676 02.11.2011
WO2012US63298 02.11.2012
US201261587439 17.01.2012
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
ES2765417T 09.06.2020T3
Priority number Date
US201715438290 21.02.2017
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2013067335Global Dossier 10.05.2013A1
Priority number Date
US201161554676 02.11.2011
US201261587439 17.01.2012