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EP14167806 EP21180704 US201313902242 US201815933686

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10863002Global Dossier 08.12.2020B2
US2018213064 26.07.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201815933686 23.03.2018
US201313902242 24.05.2013
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3916617Global Dossier 01.12.2021A1
Priority number Date
US201313902242 24.05.2013
EP14167806 09.05.2014
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US9930142Global Dossier 27.03.2018B2
US2014351317 27.11.2014A1
Priority number Date
US201313902242 24.05.2013
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP2806372Global Dossier 30.06.2021B1
EP2806372 17.12.2014A3
EP2806372 26.11.2014A2
Priority number Date
US201313902242 24.05.2013
TypeType Divisional application