Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP3026173

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO9509946  [Y]
 (NOVO NORDISK AS [DK], et al) [Y] 1-3,5,6,8 * abstract *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:DE29923284U  [Y]
 (VOITH SULZER PAPIERTECH PATENT [DE]) [Y] 1,2,5,6* the whole document *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP2022891  [Y]
 (VOITH PATENT GMBH [DE]) [Y] 1,3,6,8 * paragraph [0001] - paragraph [0020]; claims 2,3,5-7,11-14 *
Cited inOpposition
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Type:Non-patent literature
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Type:Non-patent literature
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Type:Non-patent literature
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