Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Event history: EP3026778

Date  Description European Patent Bulletin date, issue number
10.07.2020 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  12.08.2020  [2020/33]
03.07.2020 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  05.08.2020  [2020/32]
26.06.2020 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  29.07.2020  [2020/31]
13.03.2020 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  15.04.2020  [2020/16]
17.01.2020 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  19.02.2020  [2020/08]
15.11.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  18.12.2019  [2019/51]
25.10.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  27.11.2019  [2019/48]
30.08.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  02.10.2019  [2019/40]
19.07.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  21.08.2019  [2019/34]
12.07.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  14.08.2019  [2019/33]
24.05.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  26.06.2019  [2019/26]
22.02.2019 No opposition filed within time limit published on  27.03.2019  [2019/13]
15.02.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  20.03.2019  [2019/12]
08.02.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  13.03.2019  [2019/11]
01.02.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  06.03.2019  [2019/10]
25.01.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  27.02.2019  [2019/09]
18.01.2019 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  20.02.2019  [2019/08]
14.12.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  16.01.2019  [2019/03]
23.11.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  26.12.2018  [2018/52]
16.11.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  19.12.2018  [2018/51]
09.11.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  12.12.2018  [2018/50]
02.11.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  05.12.2018  [2018/49]
19.10.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  21.11.2018  [2018/47]
12.10.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  14.11.2018  [2018/46]
21.09.2018 Lapse of the patent in a contracting state published on  24.10.2018  [2018/43]
16.03.2018 (Expected) grant published on  18.04.2018  [2018/16]
10.03.2018 New entry: Payment of fee for grant
10.03.2018 New entry: Payment of fee for publishing/printing
09.03.2018 New entry: Receipt of the translation of the claim(s)
15.11.2017 New entry: Renewal fee paid
29.10.2017 New entry: Communication of intention to grant a patent
20.10.2017 Change - classification published on  22.11.2017  [2017/47]
20.10.2017 Change - classification published on  22.11.2017  [2017/47]
13.01.2017 Amendment by applicant
31.05.2016 Publication in section I.1 EP Bulletin published on  01.06.2016  [2016/22]
20.05.2016 Publication of search report published on  22.06.2016  [2016/25]
20.05.2016 Change - classification published on  22.06.2016  [2016/25]
20.05.2016 Change - classification published on  22.06.2016  [2016/25]
29.04.2016 Request for examination filed published on  01.06.2016  [2016/22]
27.11.2015 Change - representative