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CN201580041280 EP15733799 FR2015051482W

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN106573650BGlobal Dossier 15.01.2019B
CN106573650 19.04.2017A
Priority number Date
WO2015FR51482 04.06.2015
FR1455250 10.06.2014
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3154842Global Dossier 12.12.2018B1
EP3154842 19.04.2017A1
Priority number Date
WO2015FR51482 04.06.2015
FR1455250 10.06.2014
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2015189503Global Dossier 17.12.2015A1
Priority number Date
FR1455250 10.06.2014
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
FR3021944 27.05.2016B1
FR3021944 11.12.2015A1
Priority number Date
FR1455250 10.06.2014