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CN201580065532 CN202410216142 EP15848812 US2015052530W US201515515955 US201816140370 US202117169169 US202418601913

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2024209477Global Dossier 27.06.2024A1
Priority number Date
US201715515955 30.03.2017
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
US202117169169 05.02.2021
US202418601913 11.03.2024
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2021178470Global Dossier 17.06.2021A1
Priority number Date
US201715515955 30.03.2017
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
US202117169169 05.02.2021
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2019030792Global Dossier 31.01.2019A1
Priority number Date
US201715515955 30.03.2017
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201816140370 24.09.2018
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10926326Global Dossier 23.02.2021B2
US2017297262 19.10.2017A1
Priority number Date
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201515515955 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN118514321Global Dossier 20.08.2024A
Priority number Date
CN201580065532 27.09.2015
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN107107494Global Dossier 29.08.2017A
Priority number Date
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3204223Global Dossier 19.12.2018A4
EP3204223 16.08.2017A1
Priority number Date
WO2015US52530 27.09.2015
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2016057250Global Dossier 14.04.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201462059947 05.10.2014
US201562184867 26.06.2015