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CA2951073 CN201611178482 EP16202349 JP2016238613 KR20160168854 US201615370426

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
PL3184427T 28.02.2019T3
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
EP16202349 06.12.2016
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US10220943Global Dossier 05.03.2019B2
US2017174340 22.06.2017A1
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
KR101898553BGlobal Dossier 13.09.2018B1
KR20170074175 29.06.2017A
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
JP6336018BGlobal Dossier 06.06.2018B2
JP2017141013 17.08.2017A
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
CN106892105BGlobal Dossier 13.12.2019B
CN106892105 27.06.2017A
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
CA2951073Global Dossier 02.07.2019C
CA2951073 07.02.2017A1
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP3184427Global Dossier 29.08.2018B1
EP3184427 28.06.2017A1
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
FR3045564 17.08.2018B1
FR3045564 23.06.2017A1
Priority number Date
FR1502660 21.12.2015