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AU2016261462 AU2020227103 AU2023201720 CA2985614 CN201680037363 CN202011451944 EP16723906 EP24200175 JP2017559034 JP2020113812


JP2022119787 JP2023215883 US2016031407W US201715807961 US202016907197 US202117164411 US202217572022 US202318398744

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2024130736Global Dossier 25.04.2024A1
Priority number Date
US202217572022 10.01.2022
US202016907197 20.06.2020
US201715807961 09.11.2017
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
US202318398744 28.12.2023
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US11890021Global Dossier 06.02.2024B2
US2022125439 28.04.2022A1
Priority number Date
US202217572022 10.01.2022
US202016907197 20.06.2020
US201715807961 09.11.2017
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US11241240Global Dossier 08.02.2022B2
US2020315632 08.10.2020A1
Priority number Date
US202016907197 20.06.2020
US201715807961 09.11.2017
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US11160561Global Dossier 02.11.2021B2
US2021153875 27.05.2021A1
Priority number Date
US202117164411 01.02.2021
US202016907197 20.06.2020
US201715807961 09.11.2017
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US10687823Global Dossier 23.06.2020B2
US2018064448 08.03.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201715807961 09.11.2017
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP2024038016Global Dossier 19.03.2024A
Priority number Date
JP2022119787 27.07.2022
US201562160234 12.05.2015
JP2020113812 01.07.2020
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP7410234BGlobal Dossier 09.01.2024B2
JP2022160526 19.10.2022A
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
JP2020113812 01.07.2020
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP7360363BGlobal Dossier 12.10.2023B2
JP2020179188 05.11.2020A
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
JP2017559034 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JP6730323BGlobal Dossier 29.07.2020B2
JP2018515234 14.06.2018A
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP4454843Global Dossier 30.10.2024A2
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
EP16723906 09.05.2016
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN112568960BGlobal Dossier 18.10.2024B
CN112568960 30.03.2021A
Priority number Date
CN201680037363 09.05.2016
CN202011451944 09.05.2016
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN107809974BGlobal Dossier 01.01.2021B
CN107809974 16.03.2018A
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CA2985614Global Dossier 17.11.2016A1
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
AU2023201720Global Dossier 20.04.2023A1
Priority number Date
AU2020227103 04.09.2020
AU2023201720 20.03.2023
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
AU2016261462 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
AU2020227103BGlobal Dossier 22.12.2022B2
AU2020227103 24.09.2020A1
Priority number Date
AU2020227103 04.09.2020
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
AU2016261462 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
AU2016261462BGlobal Dossier 04.06.2020B2
AU2016261462 23.11.2017A1
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3294152Global Dossier 02.10.2024B1
EP3294152 21.03.2018A2
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
WO2016US31407 09.05.2016
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2016182981Global Dossier 09.02.2017A3
WO2016182981 17.11.2016A2
Priority number Date
US201562160234 12.05.2015
TypeType Divisional application