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EP18785030 IL2018050416W US201816603613 US202218084115

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2023212677Global Dossier 06.07.2023A1
Priority number Date
US202218084115 19.12.2022
US201762484365 11.04.2017
WO2018IL50416 11.04.2018
US201916603613 08.10.2019
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US11530447Global Dossier 20.12.2022B2
US2020040396 06.02.2020A1
Priority number Date
US201816603613 11.04.2018
US201762484365 11.04.2017
WO2018IL50416 11.04.2018
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP3612828Global Dossier 30.12.2020A4
EP3612828 26.02.2020A1
Priority number Date
US201762484365 11.04.2017
WO2018IL50416 11.04.2018
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2018189743Global Dossier 18.10.2018A1
Priority number Date
US201762484365 11.04.2017