Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP3580969

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2012178465  [I]
 (LIN SHIANG-JIUN [TW], et al) [I] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraph [0003] - paragraph [0010] * * paragraph [0030] - paragraph [0035] * * paragraph [0043] - paragraph [0047] * * figures 1A-4 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2013308481  [XI]
 (KAZMI MUHAMMAD [SE], et al) [X] 1 * paragraph [0019] - paragraph [0067] * * paragraph [0129] - paragraph [0131] * * paragraph [0140] * * paragraph [0169] - paragraph [0174] * * paragraph [0191] - paragraph [0196] * * paragraph [0212] - paragraph [0221] * * paragraph [0224] - paragraph [0253] * * paragraph [0285] - paragraph [0292] * * figures 4,4a,7 * [I] 2-5,7-12,14,15;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2016057708  [Y]
 (SIOMINA IANA [SE], et al) [Y] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraph [0123] - paragraph [0137] * * paragraph [0145] * * paragraph [0186] - paragraph [0201] * * paragraph [0209] - paragraph [0224] * * figures 3,4 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2016302098  [A]
 (GHEORGHIU VALENTIN ALEXANDRU [JP], et al) [A] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraph [0005] - paragraph [0014] * * paragraph [0029] - paragraph [0032] * * paragraph [0045] - paragraph [0060] *;
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - HUAWEI, "Email discussion [86b-20] on synchronization and carrier rasters for NR", vol. RAN WG1, no. Reno, USA; 20161114 - 20161118, (20161114), 3GPP DRAFT; R1-1611684 EMAIL DISCUSSIONS 86B-20 ON SYNCHRONIZATION AND CARRIER RASTERS FOR NR V5, 3RD GENERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (3GPP), MOBILE COMPETENCE CENTRE ; 650, ROUTE DES LUCIOLES ; F-0692, URL: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Meetings_3GPP_SYNC/RAN1/Docs/, (20161114), XP051176990 [Y] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraph [02.2] - paragraph [02.4] * * Appendix *
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[A]  - HUAWEI ET AL, "Discussion on the RRM impact on flexible bandwidth", vol. RAN WG4, no. Athens, Greece; 20170213 - 20170217, (20170212), 3GPP DRAFT; R4-1701426, 3RD GENERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (3GPP), MOBILE COMPETENCE CENTRE ; 650, ROUTE DES LUCIOLES ; F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS CEDEX ; FRANCE, URL: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Meetings_3GPP_SYNC/RAN4/Docs/, (20170212), XP051214454 [A] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraph [002.] *
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[IP]  - ERICSSON, "Configuration of measurement gap in NR", vol. RAN WG2, no. Prague, Czech Republic;, (20170928), 3GPP DRAFT; R2-1711340 - MEASUREMENT GAP CONFIGURATION IN NR, 3RD GENERATION PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (3GPP), MOBILE COMPETENCE CENTRE ; 650, ROUTE DES LUCIOLES ; F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS CEDEX ; FRANCE, URL: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/tsg_ran/WG2_RL2/TSGR2_99bis/Docs/, (20170928), XP051354637 [IP] 1-5,7-12,14,15 * paragraphs [02.2] , [ 2.3] *
Cited inInternational search
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2016302098  [X]
 (GHEORGHIU VALENTIN ALEXANDRU [JP], et al) [X] 1, 7-14, 20-32 * claims 1-14, description, paragraphs [0005]-[0018], [0047]-[0108] and figure 13 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US2017034757  [A]
 (YANG MING [US], et al) [A] 1-32 * the whole document *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO2016146177  [A]
 (ERICSSON TELEFON AB L M (PUBL) [SE]) [A] 1-32 * the whole document *