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CN201910317915 EP19166322 KR20180054711 KR20220123574 US201916240117

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
KR102655695BGlobal Dossier 08.04.2024B1
KR20220136327 07.10.2022A
Priority number Date
KR20180054711 14.05.2018
KR20220123574 28.09.2022
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US10804334Global Dossier 13.10.2020B2
US2019348470 14.11.2019A1
Priority number Date
KR20180054711 14.05.2018
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
KR102450398BGlobal Dossier 04.10.2022B1
KR20190130697 25.11.2019A
Priority number Date
KR20180054711 14.05.2018
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
CN110491901BGlobal Dossier 09.08.2024B
CN110491901 22.11.2019A
Priority number Date
KR20180054711 14.05.2018
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP3570328Global Dossier 20.11.2019A1
Priority number Date
KR20180054711 14.05.2018