EP3662957 - CATHETER [Right-click to bookmark this link] | Status | The patent has been granted Status updated on 03.10.2024 Database last updated on 30.11.2024 | |
Former | Grant of patent is intended Status updated on 04.06.2024 | ||
Former | Request for examination was made Status updated on 08.05.2020 | Most recent event Tooltip | 03.10.2024 | (Expected) grant | published on 06.11.2024 [2024/45] | Applicant(s) | For all designated states Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha 44-1, Hatagaya 2-chome, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0072 / JP | [2020/24] | Inventor(s) | 01 /
ITOU, Takenari c/o Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha 150 Maimaigi-cho Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka 418-0015 / JP | 02 /
FUKUOKA, Tetsuya c/o Terumo Kabushiki Kaisha 150 Maimaigi-cho Fujinomiya-shi, Shizuoka 418-0015 / JP | [2020/24] | Representative(s) | Casalonga Casalonga & Partners Bayerstraße 71/73 80335 München / DE | [2020/24] | Application number, filing date | 20151324.9 | 10.04.2006 | [2020/24] | Priority number, date | JP20050112927 | 11.04.2005 Original published format: JP 2005112927 | [2020/24] | Filing language | EN | Procedural language | EN | Publication | Type: | A1 Application with search report | No.: | EP3662957 | Date: | 10.06.2020 | Language: | EN | [2020/24] | Type: | B1 Patent specification | No.: | EP3662957 | Date: | 06.11.2024 | Language: | EN | [2024/45] | Search report(s) | (Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on: | EP | 11.05.2020 | Classification | IPC: | A61M25/00 | [2020/24] | CPC: |
A61M25/0041 (EP,US);
A61M25/005 (EP,US);
A61M25/0053 (EP,US)
| Designated contracting states | AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR [2020/24] | Title | German: | KATHETER | [2020/24] | English: | CATHETER | [2020/24] | French: | CATHÉTER | [2020/24] | Examination procedure | 10.01.2020 | Examination requested [2020/24] | 09.12.2020 | Amendment by applicant (claims and/or description) | 05.06.2024 | Communication of intention to grant the patent | 25.09.2024 | Fee for grant paid | 25.09.2024 | Fee for publishing/printing paid | 25.09.2024 | Receipt of the translation of the claim(s) | Parent application(s) Tooltip | EP06007502.5 / EP1712247 | Fees paid | Renewal fee | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 03 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 04 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 05 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 06 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 07 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 08 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 09 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 10 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 11 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 12 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 13 | 10.01.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 14 | 31.03.2020 | Renewal fee patent year 15 | 15.04.2021 | Renewal fee patent year 16 | 21.03.2022 | Renewal fee patent year 17 | 27.02.2023 | Renewal fee patent year 18 | 13.03.2024 | Renewal fee patent year 19 |
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Responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of the data displayed under the link provided lies entirely with the Unified Patent Court. | Documents cited: | Search | [XYI]EP0807444 (SCHNEIDER USA INC [US]); | [A]US5700253 (PARKER FRED T [US]); | [YA]US5891114 (CHIEN THOMAS YUNG-HUI [US], et al); | [A]EP1344549 (TERUMO CORP [JP]); | [A]US2004176740 (CHOUINARD PAUL [US]) | by applicant | US5755704 | US6042578 |