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CN202080072606 EP20793765 FR2020051771W US202017768717

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US2024227542Global Dossier 11.07.2024A9
US2024131920 25.04.2024A1
Priority number Date
WO2020FR51771 08.10.2020
FR1911622 17.10.2019
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
CN114555397Global Dossier 27.05.2022A
Priority number Date
WO2020FR51771 08.10.2020
FR1911622 17.10.2019
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
EP4045350Global Dossier 24.08.2022A1
Priority number Date
WO2020FR51771 08.10.2020
FR1911622 17.10.2019
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
WO2021074506Global Dossier 22.04.2021A1
Priority number Date
FR1911622 17.10.2019
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
FR3102102 29.10.2021B1
FR3102102 23.04.2021A1
Priority number Date
FR1911622 17.10.2019