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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0012285

EP0012285 - Device for emitting an optical signal dependent on an electrical parameter of an isolated cable in a power supply network [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusOpposition rejected
Status updated on  21.03.1986
Database last updated on 01.02.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip21.03.1986Opposition rejectedpublished on 07.05.1986 [1986/19]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Karl Pfisterer Elektrotechnische Spezialartikel GmbH & Co. KG
Augsburger Strasse 375
D-7000 Stuttgart 60 / DE
Former [1980/13]For all designated states
Karl Pfisterer Elektrotechnische Spezialartikel GmbH & Co. KG
Augsburger Strasse 375
D-7000 Stuttgart 60 / DE
Inventor(s)01 / Kries, Werner
Zügernbergstrasse 28
D-7056 Weinstadt-Grossheppach / DE
02 / Schuster, Martin
Heidestrasse 51
D-7300 Esslingen / DE
Representative(s)Bartels, Hans, et al
Patentanwälte Bartels und Partner, Lange Strasse 51
70174 Stuttgart / DE
Former [1983/35]Bartels, Hans, et al
Patentanwälte Phys.H.Bartels, Dipl.-Ing.H.Fink, Dr.-Ing.M.Held Dipl.-Ing.M.Bartels Lange Strasse 51
D-70174 Stuttgart / DE
Former [1980/13]Bartels, Hans
Bartels, Brandes, Held, Wolff Patentanwälte Lange Strasse 51
D-7000 Stuttgart 1 / DE
Application number, filing date79104784.830.11.1979
Priority number, dateDE1978285441516.12.1978         Original published format: DE 2854415
Filing languageDE
Procedural languageDE
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP14.03.1980
G01R19/16571 (EP); G01R13/02 (EP); G01R19/155 (EP)
Designated contracting statesAT,   BE,   CH,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL,   SE [1980/13]
TitleGerman:Vorrichtung zur Abgabe eines optischen Signals abhängig von einer elektrischen Betriebsgrösse eines isolierten Kabels eines Energieversorgungsnetzes[1980/13]
English:Device for emitting an optical signal dependent on an electrical parameter of an isolated cable in a power supply network[1980/13]
French:Dispositif pour émettre un signal optique dépendant d'une valeur électrique d'un câble isolé dans un réseau fournisseur d'énergie[1980/13]
Examination procedure26.06.1980Examination requested  [1980/19]
23.12.1980Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
08.04.1981Reply to a communication from the examining division
06.07.1981Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
02.10.1981Reply to a communication from the examining division
04.02.1982Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M03)
15.04.1982Reply to a communication from the examining division
23.08.1982Despatch of communication of intention to grant (Approval: )
15.11.1982Communication of intention to grant the patent
18.01.1983Fee for grant paid
18.01.1983Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)Opponent(s)01  18.05.1984  29.06.1984  ADMISSIBLE
ARCUS Elektronik Alois Schiffmann GmbH
Streitfeldstrasse 15
8000 München 80 / DE
Opponent's representative
Reinländer & Bernhardt Patentanwälte
Patentanwälte Orthstrasse 12
D-8000 München 60 / DE
Former [1984/31]
Opponent(s)01  18.05.1984  29.06.1984  ADMISSIBLE
ARCUS Elektronik Alois Schiffmann GmbH
Streitfeldstrasse 15
8000 München 80 / DE
Opponent's representative
Reinländer & Bernhardt Patentanwälte
Orthstrasse 12
D-8000 München 60 / DE
04.07.1984Invitation to proprietor to file observations on the notice of opposition
19.10.1984Reply of patent proprietor to notice(s) of opposition
17.01.1985Despatch of a communication from the opposition division (Time limit: M04)
27.05.1985Reply to a communication from the opposition division
05.12.1985Date of despatch of rejection of opposition
15.12.1985Legal effect of rejection of opposition [1986/19]
Fees paidRenewal fee
16.10.1981Renewal fee patent year 03
22.10.1982Renewal fee patent year 04
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Documents cited:SearchFR2102531  [ ] (MERLIN GERIN);
 FR2129893  [ ] (FERODO SA);
 US3840808  [ ] (LIEBERMANN L);
 AT319395B  [ ] (SIEMENS AG [DE]);
 DE2543828  [ ] (HOECHST AG);
 DE2656275  [ ] (HARTMANN & BRAUN AG);
 DE2712064  [ ] (SIEMENS AG);
 GB1528984  [ ] (GEN ELECTRIC)
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.