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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0104126

EP0104126 - Locking device for a window, door or the like, fitted with a tenon adjustable in height [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusPatent maintained as amended
Status updated on  05.01.1991
Database last updated on 03.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip05.01.1991Patent maintained (B2 publication)published on 20.02.1991 [1991/08]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
FERCO INTERNATIONAL Usine de Ferrures de Bâtiment Société à responsabilité limitée
2, rue du Vieux-Moulin Reding
F-57400 Sarrebourg / FR
Inventor(s)01 / Prevot, Gérard
16, rue des Gardes
F-57220 Boulay / FR
02 / Schuster, Bernard
7, rue des Vosges Reding
F-57400 Sarrebourg / FR
Representative(s)Aubertin, François
c/o Cabinet Innovations et Prestations SA 4, rue de Haguenau
67000 Strasbourg / FR
Former [1985/04]Aubertin, François
c/o Cabinet Innovations et Prestations SA 4, rue de Haguenau
F-67000 Strasbourg / FR
Former [1984/13]Aubertin, François
Cabinet Lepage & Aubertin Innovations et Prestations 4, rue de Haguenau
F-67000 Strasbourg / FR
Application number, filing date83440047.508.09.1983
Priority number, dateFR1982001624924.09.1982         Original published format: FR 8216249
Filing languageFR
Procedural languageFR
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Type: B2 New European patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP24.01.1984
E05C9/1858 (EP)
Designated contracting statesAT,   BE,   CH,   DE,   GB,   IT,   LI,   NL [1984/13]
TitleGerman:Verriegelungsbeschlag für Fenster, Tür oder dgl., mit einem in der Höhe verstellbaren Schliesszapfen versehen[1986/14]
English:Locking device for a window, door or the like, fitted with a tenon adjustable in height[1984/13]
French:Ferrure de verrouillage pour fenêtre, porte ou analogue pourvue d'un panneton à saillie réglable[1984/13]
Former [1984/13]Verriegelungsbeschlag für Fenster, Tür oder ähnlichen, mit einem in der Höhe verstellbaren Schliesszapfen versehen
Examination procedure25.09.1984Examination requested  [1984/49]
05.09.1985Despatch of communication of intention to grant (Approval: )
03.10.1985Communication of intention to grant the patent
28.11.1985Fee for grant paid
28.11.1985Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)Opponent(s)01  03.11.1986  30.03.1987  ADMISSIBLE
Postfach 10 05 51
D-57005 Siegen / DE
 02  24.12.1986  21.01.1987  ADMISSIBLE
Postfach 10 01 58
D-70745 Leinfelden-Echterdingen / DE
Former [1986/52]
Opponent(s)01  03.11.1986  30.03.1987  ADMISSIBLE
Postfach 10 05 51
D-57005 Siegen / DE
31.03.1987Invitation to proprietor to file observations on the notice of opposition
13.06.1987Reply of patent proprietor to notice(s) of opposition
28.07.1987Communication of observations of patent proprietor (Time limit: M02)
25.09.1987Reply of parties involved to observations of patent proprietor
25.07.1988Despatch of a communication from the opposition division (Time limit: M04)
11.11.1988Reply to a communication from the opposition division
14.04.1989Despatch of a communication from the opposition division (Time limit: M02)
06.06.1989Reply to a communication from the opposition division
19.10.1989Despatch of a communication from the opposition division (Time limit: M02)
04.12.1989Reply to a communication from the opposition division
01.06.1990Despatch of interlocutory decision in opposition
12.06.1990Legal effect of interlocutory decision in opposition
20.09.1990Despatch of communication that the patent will be maintained as amended
26.11.1990Fee for printing new specification paid
Fees paidRenewal fee
13.07.1985Renewal fee patent year 03
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Documents cited:SearchFR2237043  [ ] (VER BAUBESCHLAG GRETSCH CO [DE]);
 DE2436505  [ ] (SIEGENIA FRANK KG);
 FR2380396  [ ] (WINKHAUS FA AUGUST [DE]);
 DE3001024  [ ] (HEINR STRENGER FA [DE])
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.