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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0239044

EP0239044 - Method of preparing high strength and modulus poly (vinyl alcohol) fibers [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  09.04.1998
Database last updated on 20.12.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip05.10.2005Change: Appeal number 
Applicant(s)For all designated states
BMG Incorporated
45, Higashikujo, Minamimatsunoki-cho, Minami-ku Kyoto-shi
Kyoto / JP
Former [1996/51]For all designated states
BMG Incorporated
45, Higashikujo, Minamimatsunoki-sho, Minami-ku
Kyoto-shi Kyoto / JP
Former [1987/40]For all designated states
Biomaterials Universe, Inc.
43-1, Higashikujo Minamimatsunoki-sho Minami-ku
Kyoto-shi Kyoto / JP
Inventor(s)01 / Hyon, Suong-Hyu
24-8, Tennou Ogura-cho
Uji-shi Kyoto / JP
02 / Ikada, Yoshito
2-182, Gokasho§Hirookadani
Uji-shi Kyoto / JP
Former [1987/40]01 / Hyon, Suong-Hyu
24-8, Tennou Ogura-cho
Uji-shi Kyoto / JP
02 / Ikada, Yoshito
2-182, Gokasho Hirookadani
Uji-shi Kyoto / JP
Representative(s)Gille Hrabal Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB Patentanwälte
Brucknerstraße 20
40593 Düsseldorf / DE
Former [1987/40]Türk, Gille, Hrabal, Leifert
Brucknerstrasse 20
D-40593 Düsseldorf / DE
Application number, filing date87104191.921.03.1987
Priority number, dateJP1986006613624.03.1986         Original published format: JP 6613686
Former [1988/09]JP19860066136U24.03.1986
Former [1987/40]deleted
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP06.07.1988
D01F6/14 (EP,KR,US); D01F9/00 (KR); D07B2501/2061 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL [1987/40]
TitleGerman:Verfahren zur Herstellung von Polyvinylalkoholfasern mit hohem Modul und hoher Festigkeit[1987/40]
English:Method of preparing high strength and modulus poly (vinyl alcohol) fibers[1987/40]
French:Procédé pour la préparation de fibres d'alcool-polyvinylique à haut module et à haute ténacité[1987/40]
Examination procedure15.02.1989Examination requested  [1989/16]
08.05.1990Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
11.09.1990Reply to a communication from the examining division
08.11.1990Despatch of communication that the application is refused, reason: substantive examination {1}
05.08.1994Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
16.03.1995Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time
25.05.1995Reply to a communication from the examining division
25.04.1996Date of oral proceedings
27.06.1996Despatch of communication of intention to grant (Approval: Yes)
08.10.1996Communication of intention to grant the patent
02.01.1997Fee for grant paid
02.01.1997Fee for publishing/printing paid
Appeal following examination14.12.1990Appeal received No.  T0347/91
18.03.1991Statement of grounds filed
26.05.1993Invitation to file observations in an appeal (Time limit: M08) [1993/22]
29.01.1994Date of receipt of observations in an appeal [1994/05]
04.03.1994Invitation to file observations in an appeal (Time limit: M01) [1994/10]
07.04.1994Date of receipt of observations in an appeal [1994/15]
13.06.1994Result of appeal procedure: continuation of examination procedure
Opposition(s)05.03.1998No opposition filed within time limit [1998/22]
Request for further processing for:25.05.1995Request for further processing filed
25.05.1995Full payment received (date of receipt of payment)
Request granted
12.06.1995Decision despatched
Fees paidRenewal fee
16.03.1989Renewal fee patent year 03
23.03.1990Renewal fee patent year 04
14.03.1991Renewal fee patent year 05
20.03.1992Renewal fee patent year 06
27.03.1993Renewal fee patent year 07
28.03.1994Renewal fee patent year 08
23.03.1995Renewal fee patent year 09
29.03.1996Renewal fee patent year 10
24.03.1997Renewal fee patent year 11
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Lapses during opposition  TooltipFR04.06.1997
Documents cited:Search[XP]JP61289112  ;
 [AD]EP0105169  (ALLIED CORP [US])
 [XP]  - CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS, vol. 107, no. 12, 21st September 1987, page 71, abstract no. 98108s, Columbus, Ohio, US; & JP-A-61 289 112 (TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC.) 19-12-1986, & JP61289112 A 00000000
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.