Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP0364560

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0044710  [Y]
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:WO8604144  [Y]
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, vol. 11, no. 9, 1983, pages 2827-2837, IRL Press Ltd, Oxford, GB; C.C. SHOULDERS et al.: "Gene structure of human apolipoprotein A1"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[XP]  - THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 263, no. 27, 25th September 1988, pages 13779-13785, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Bology, Inc., US; L.K. CURTISS et al.: "Localization of two epitopes of apolipoprotein A-I that are exposed on human high density lipoproteins using monoclonal antibodies and synthetic peptides"
Cited inInternational search
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4327075  [Y]
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[X]  - The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 260, No. 5, published 1985 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA), L. CURTISS, "Immunochemical Heterogeneity of Human Plasma High Density Lipoproteins", see page 2982 column 1, page 2983, page 2984 fig. 1 description, and page 2990 column 1.