Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP0412006

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0198288  [A]
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0329308  [A]
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0343947  [XP]
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0344029  [AP]
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[XO]  - J. CELL. BIOCHEM. SUPPL. 12C, 1988, UCLA SYMPOSIA ON MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOLOGY, ABSTRACTS 17TH ANNUAL MEETINGS, The Molecular Basis of Plant developement, 28th February - 10th April 1988, page 152, abstract no. L 051, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, US; H.J. KLEE et al.: "Manipulation of endogenous auxin and cytokinin levels in transgenic plants"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[X]  - THEOR. APPL. GENET., vol. 77, 1989, pages 320-324, Springer-Verlag; R. BERNATZKY et al.: "A nuclear sequence associated with self-incompatibility in Nicotiana alata has homology with mitochondrial DNA"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - THE PLANT CELL, vol. 1, January 1989, pages 15-24, Anerican Society of Plant Physiologists; C.S. GASSER et al.: "Isolation of tissue-specific cDNAs from tomato pistils"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[Y]  - JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, supplement 13D, 27th March - 7th April 1987, page 312, abstract no. M349, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, US; D. TWELL et al.: "Pollen-specific expression directed by chimaeric genes in transgenic tomato and tobacco plants"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[A]  - THE PLANT CELL, vol. 1, April 1989, pages 403-413, American Society of Plant Physiologists; J.I. MEDFORD et al.: "Alterations of endogenous cytokinins in transgenic plants using a chimeric isopentenyl transferase gene"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[A]  - SCIENCE, vol. 244, 14th April 1989, pages 174-181; P.N. BENFEY et al.: "Regulated genes in transgenic plants"
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[A]  - EMBO JOURNAL, vol. 7, no. 9, 1988, pages 2621-2629, IRL Press Ltd, Oxford, GB; T. SCHMÜLLING et al.: "Single genes form Agrobacterium rhizogenes influence plant development"
Cited inExamination
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - GOLDBERG, R.B. ET AL., "Regulation of Gene expression during plant embryogenesis.", CELL, (19890127), vol. 56, pages 149 - 160
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:   - D'HALLUIN, K. ET AL., "Engineering of herbicide-resistant alfalfa and evaluation under field conditions.", CROP SCIENCE, (19900701), vol. 30, no. 4, pages 866 - 871