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EP93115712 JP13836192 JP26570593

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JPH06196856Global Dossier 15.07.1994A
Priority number Date
JP25954892 29.09.1992
JP26570593 28.09.1993
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JPH05335744Global Dossier 17.12.1993A
Priority number Date
JP13836192 29.05.1992
TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
US5517758 21.05.1996A
Priority number Date
JP25954892 29.09.1992
JP13836192 29.05.1992
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP0590635Global Dossier 17.07.1996B1
EP0590635 06.04.1994A1
Priority number Date
JP25954892 29.09.1992
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
DE69303684T 28.11.1996T2
DE69303684D1 22.08.1996D1
Priority number Date
JP25954892 29.09.1992