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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0596786

EP0596786 - Spacer grid provided with vanes for nuclear fuel assembly [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  10.10.1997
Database last updated on 01.02.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip10.10.1997No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 26.11.1997 [1997/48]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
3315 Old Forest Road
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0935 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Morgan, Charles D., c/o B&W Fuel Company
3315 Old Forest Road, P.O. Box 10935
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0935 / US
02 / Tucker, Jeffrey S., c/o B&W Fuel Company
3315 Old Forest Road, P.O. Box 10935
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0935 / US
03 / Farnsworth, David A., c/o B&W Fuel Company
3315 Old Forest Road, P.O. Box 10935
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0935 / US
04 / Aldrich, Michael E., c/o B&W Fuel Company
3315 Old Forest Road, P.O. Box 10935
Lynchburg, VA 24506-0935 / US
Representative(s)Fort, Jacques
CABINET PLASSERAUD 84, rue d'Amsterdam
75440 Paris Cedex 09 / FR
Former [1994/19]Fort, Jacques
CABINET PLASSERAUD 84, rue d'Amsterdam
F-75440 Paris Cedex 09 / FR
Application number, filing date93402672.529.10.1993
Priority number, dateUS1992097076002.11.1992         Original published format: US 970760
Filing languageFR
Procedural languageFR
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP24.02.1994
ClassificationIPC:G21C3/322, G21C3/352
G21C3/322 (EP,KR,US); G21C3/352 (EP,KR,US); Y02E30/30 (EP,US);
Y10S376/901 (KR)
Designated contracting statesBE,   DE,   ES,   FR,   SE [1994/19]
TitleGerman:Mit Fahnen versehenes Abstandshaltergitter für Kernbrennstoffbündel[1994/19]
English:Spacer grid provided with vanes for nuclear fuel assembly[1994/19]
French:Grille d'espacement munie d'ailettes pour assemblage combustible nucléaire[1994/19]
Examination procedure11.01.1995Examination requested  [1995/10]
28.11.1995Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
14.03.1996Reply to a communication from the examining division
10.04.1996Despatch of communication of intention to grant (Approval: Yes)
07.06.1996Communication of intention to grant the patent
09.08.1996Fee for grant paid
09.08.1996Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)05.09.1997No opposition filed within time limit [1997/48]
Fees paidRenewal fee
18.09.1995Renewal fee patent year 03
17.09.1996Renewal fee patent year 04
Penalty fee
Penalty fee Rule 85b EPC 1973
22.12.1994M01   Fee paid on   11.01.1995
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Documents cited:Search[XA]US4728489  (HATFIELD STEPHEN C [US]) [X] 1-4 * column 4, line 19 - line 63; figures 1-5 * [A] 5-7;
 [DA]EP0261544  (SIEMENS AG [DE]) [DA] 1,2,4,6,7 * column 3, line 34 - column 4, line 45; figures 2-4 *;
 [DA]EP0468870  (FRAMATOME SA [FR], et al) [DA] 1,6,7 * column 4, line 37 - column 6, line 44; figures 1-8 *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.